simsulla / nwomod

NWO mod for Victoria 2
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Potential Irredentist decisions #973

Open arandomperson5000 opened 7 years ago

arandomperson5000 commented 7 years ago

Here are a few ideas I've come up with for potential irredentism in countries that don't have them but may very well form an irredentist ideology in the future.

Lesotho During the mid 19th century the Sotho kingdom had lost the majority of of its land to the Boer Republic known as the Orange Free State. Fearing annexation by the Orange Free State King Monshoeshoe of Sotho appealed to the British for help and finally placing Sotho under British protection in 1869. Given this, it could be possible that Lesotho irrendentism could develop in the future laying claims over the Free State province of South Africa.

Botswana Given that there is a large area with a Tswana majority in South Africa I wouldn't see a possible Botswana claim to those areas to be impossible however since Botswana has a good relationship with South Africa it would be extremely unlikely this would occur,

The United Kingdom I'm quite surprised this idea wasn't brought up earlier on the forums or on github. Given that the southern part of the island of Ireland used to be a core area of the Untied Kingdom which only gave it up it claims on most of Ireland in 1921 after the Irish War of Independence, it could be possible that a very nationalistic or populist United Kingdom could claim those areas once again.

Australia Discussed in a previous issue, however since the constitution of Australia actually says New Zealand is a state of Australia, it wouldn't be too unrealistic if an expansionist Australia would claim New Zealand as part of its territory as an alternative route instead of the Pacific Federation.

South Africa As early as the 1890s, there has been various proposals by politicians in South Africa to expand South Africa's borders north to the Zambezi River and annex the British protectorates of Basutoland and Swaziland. During the apartheid era of South Africa, this idea was revived however now this version would only include the annexation of the High Comission territories of Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland.

simsulla commented 7 years ago

Greater South Africa is in the mod in a way as the super state SADAC. On Lesotho, Botswana this could also be done via a unification of QwaQwa and Botswana

arandomperson5000 commented 6 years ago

I have found a few more potential irredentist claims which could be incorporated in NWO.

Greater Mauritania Along with Morocco and Somalia, Mauritania was initially one of the three African countries that had declared irredentist claims just after decolonisation. In a 1957 speech then Mauritanian president Ould Daddah stated his idea of a Greater Mauritania stretching from Azawad to the Western Sahara. Under the Madrid Accords in 1975 Western Sahara was partitioned between Mauritania and Morocco with Spain withdrawing by early 1976. However Mauritanian rule in Western Sahara proved to be short-lived as after three years of raids by the Polisario forces, the stability of Mauritania started to crumble with Ould Daddah being overthrown in a bloodless coup causing Mauritania to withdraw from Western Sahara in 1979 effectively killing the idea of a Greater Mauritania completely.

Cameroon Before WW1, Cameroon was actually significantly bigger than it is today with territories in multiple countries like Gabon, Chad and the Republic of Congo being a part of the German colony of Kamerun. Most of the territory lost by Cameroon in WW1 was the region of New Kamerun, territory ceded by France to Germany in 1911 following the Agadir Crisis which was subsequently annexed back into France after WW1. Perhaps it is possible that a Cameroonian irredentist movement could have emerged either in the future or in the past if its relations with its neighbours like the Central African Republic soured despite Cameroon having a sort of a French influenced identity that has little to no German influence on it.

Tanzania Like Cameroon, Tanzania lost a bit of territory in WW1 with the Belgians gaining Rwanda and Burundi from the German colony of East Africa. I'd suppose like Cameroon an irredentist movement could emerge in Tanzania to claim back Rwanda and Burundi if its relations with both countries turned sour however unlike Cameroon I think this irredentist idea has a more likely chance of happening given that Tanzania is a union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar despite Zanzibar never being a part of the German colony of East Africa.

Rwanda This more of a what if scenario, essentially for this irredentist decision Rwanda will claim either the entirety of the Kivu province or just South Kivu due to the large Tutsi and Hutu populations living in the Kivu province. While I know this is quite unrealistic I think it could potentially happen given the instability in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Rwanda's large role in the Congo Wars and later several rebellions like the M23 rebellion.