simularium / simularium-website

Front end website for the Simularium project, includes the Simularium viewer
Apache License 2.0
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Fix/header buttons #484

Closed interim17 closed 5 months ago

interim17 commented 5 months ago

Time estimate or Size

Review time: small/medium. Bigish diff, but lots of deleted code and 1:1 swaps of buttons for new custom components.

Reading NavButton and NavButtonWIthTooltip and their stylesheet will tell you most of what you need to know.


Buttons in the header are not styled correctly! They also aren't tab navigable, and could be more DRY.

Actions buttons need disabled state styling, primary and secondary need hover states, "Simularium Home" needs action button styling, and all buttons need consistent focus/hover behavior.

App header needed spacing tweaks on elements. The media queries are out of date with current design, responsive design update out of scope.

Figma SSOT


Solved: styling.

Improved but not solved: accessibility, DRY concerns.

NavButton and NavButtonWithTooltip

All buttons in the header are now one of these.

NavButton is primarily a theming wrapper, styles are now correct for different button types (primary, seconday, action), and for hover/focus states which makes tab navigation visually apparent. Next steps for that: make the dropdowns work; this refactor takes us a step in the right direction. In looking at accessible drop-downs I think implementing this component will be useful in the dropdown menu items

NavButtonWIthTooltip takes care of tooltip logic.

I could make these all one component, but I think it's nice to have it separated so the props are clear, and there isn't conditional rendering of tooltip. It would be easy to consolidate if reviewers have feedback preferring consolidation.


Tooltip offsets: using the disabled prop on the buttons added a span that made it necessary to fuss with the tooltip offsets. I think it's easier to just disable the buttons by disabling pointer events with CSS and not use the antd prop at all. Then we can use one offset constant all the time.

The "Simularium Home" link was a react router Link but UX wants it styled identical to an action button, and with the same tab navigation behavior. So I did a quick shift of the AppHeader from a class based component to functional so that I could make use of useHistory. AppHeader had no lifecycle methods, the refactor is trivial.

Share and Download components no longer need classNames or stylesheets.

In Download component I refactored a bit to remove arguments and what I thought were redundant checks that are handled by isDisabled constant.

Steps to Verify:

  1. Try all the buttons see if they work.
  2. Share and Download should be disabled (and look like it) on home page.

Screenshots (optional):

Screenshot 2024-03-26 at 5 02 56 PM Screenshot 2024-03-26 at 5 00 51 PM

github-actions[bot] commented 5 months ago

Coverage report

Category Percentage Covered / Total
🟑 Statements 73.27% 603/823
🟑 Branches 68.38% 80/117
πŸ”΄ Functions 40.31% 79/196
🟑 Lines 71.73% 538/750

Test suite run success

99 tests passing in 7 suites.

Report generated by πŸ§ͺjest coverage report action from c46d68690959ff1286e5ffda1abb9a2626f96b3d