simulot / immich-go

An alternative to the immich-CLI command that doesn't depend on nodejs installation. It tries its best for importing google photos takeout archives.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Duplicate function incorrectly removing images #209

Open deanillfeld opened 3 months ago

deanillfeld commented 3 months ago

Hello there,

I've found the duplicate function is detecting the same path as a duplicate resulting in the image being deleted completely.

If i immediately run the command again it finds another lot of duplicates which contain the same path.

immich-go.exe -server -key xxxxxxxxx duplicate -yes
immich-go  0.13.1, commit 6fb63f511170f0c903525ca03197eb94a13ef0ab, built at 2024-03-26T13:38:09Z
Server status: OK
Get server's assets...17921 received
2 duplicate(s) determined.
There are 2 copies of the asset IMG-20200809-WA0025.JPG.JPG, taken on 2020-08-09T10:00:00+10:00
  delete IMG-20200809-WA0025.jpg 1024x768, 74.6 KB, /photos/upload/77941cec-6312-4781-824a-e8c8997f29cb/45/02/4502c7d4-93d9-4740-946e-6109d06ea1a3.jpg
  keep   IMG-20200809-WA0025.jpg 1024x768, 74.6 KB, /photos/upload/77941cec-6312-4781-824a-e8c8997f29cb/45/02/4502c7d4-93d9-4740-946e-6109d06ea1a3.jpg
  Asset removed
There are 2 copies of the asset IMG-20210410-WA0022.JPG.JPG, taken on 2021-04-10T10:00:00+10:00
  delete IMG-20210410-WA0022.jpg 768x1024, 78.7 KB, /photos/upload/77941cec-6312-4781-824a-e8c8997f29cb/9b/36/9b36c434-efd9-4392-b860-6b924f998437.jpg
  keep   IMG-20210410-WA0022.jpg 768x1024, 78.7 KB, /photos/upload/77941cec-6312-4781-824a-e8c8997f29cb/9b/36/9b36c434-efd9-4392-b860-6b924f998437.jpg
  Asset removed

I've had a look through a few logs but nothing jumps out to me as relevant. Let me know if you need anything.

simulot commented 3 months ago


I don't see in the code an obvious flow. It looks like if immich server has listed the same photo twice. I need to do more tests

deanillfeld commented 3 months ago

I had a poke around /api/asset and then counted how many times i saw each originalPath. Didnt get anything over 1. Anything else i can do that would help you investigate?

simulot commented 3 months ago

I'll add some test to the code and see if I can understand how this occurs

LeeAStone commented 3 months ago

I'm also seeing this behaviour:

immich-go 0.13.2, commit 159e3819940075651cd966e6106f1a143bcaa364, built at 2024-04-01T20:53:35Z Server status: OK Get server's assets...42022 received 3325 duplicate(s) determined. There are 2 copies of the asset SHOP_0079.JPG.JPG, taken on 2003-12-26T05:59:45Z delete shop_0079.jpg 352x288, 83.6 KB, upload/upload/d51ae252-ffc7-4328-9073-3c1457934764/95/86/95867ddf-ea83-435b-be3b-f1cb05582e44.jpg keep shop_0079.jpg 352x288, 83.6 KB, upload/upload/d51ae252-ffc7-4328-9073-3c1457934764/95/86/95867ddf-ea83-435b-be3b-f1cb05582e44.jpg Proceed? [n]/y:

Is there anything you'd like me to do to help debug this?


seems pertinent. as the filename does not have a double .JPG at the end

However it does seem to be working legitimately for others:

There are 2 copies of the asset CIMG1196.JPG, taken on 2006-11-05T19:38:51Z delete CIMG1196.JPG 1600x1200, 106.5 KB, upload/upload/d51ae252-ffc7-4328-9073-3c1457934764/82/72/82720527-c7f0-4bb5-abf1-74874505f1da.JPG keep CIMG1196.JPG 2816x2112, 1.8 MB, upload/upload/d51ae252-ffc7-4328-9073-3c1457934764/96/8e/968e7b5b-c64c-4d5a-b860-f54886484b08.JPG Proceed? [n]/y: n There are 2 copies of the asset CIMG1197.JPG, taken on 2006-11-05T19:38:58Z delete CIMG1197.JPG 1600x1200, 52.5 KB, upload/upload/d51ae252-ffc7-4328-9073-3c1457934764/f7/45/f745427a-3da9-4e35-8826-7a374f46ce72.JPG keep CIMG1197.JPG 2816x2112, 482.2 KB, upload/upload/d51ae252-ffc7-4328-9073-3c1457934764/95/9e/959e7716-e9ff-4cc9-996a-a7fae0db4642.JPG Proceed? [n]/y: n There are 2 copies of the asset CIMG1198.JPG, taken on 2006-11-05T19:39:05Z delete CIMG1198.JPG 1600x1200, 235.7 KB, upload/upload/d51ae252-ffc7-4328-9073-3c1457934764/97/7a/977a49c9-c8b9-4aef-b699-dd7b62fee33a.JPG keep CIMG1198.JPG 2816x2112, 2.4 MB, upload/upload/d51ae252-ffc7-4328-9073-3c1457934764/3e/8e/3e8e060a-44c6-4c8e-a16c-ba7dba1d097c.JPG Proceed? [n]/y: n There are 2 copies of the asset CIMG1201.JPG, taken on 2006-11-05T19:39:23Z delete CIMG1201.JPG 1600x1200, 98.2 KB, upload/upload/d51ae252-ffc7-4328-9073-3c1457934764/41/02/4102d462-518d-4499-b8f8-7c84c32cc34a.JPG keep CIMG1201.JPG 2816x2112, 1.4 MB, upload/upload/d51ae252-ffc7-4328-9073-3c1457934764/04/04/0404d47f-04f4-47e0-862b-48f97a53dba4.JPG

I think the difference being is that the files that did not work probably don't have any embedded exif data.

I'll take a look at your code but I'm not much of a programmer.

simulot commented 3 months ago

I'm busy with the new user interface. I have seen similar cases in my tests. I'll investigate it soon

molnarti commented 1 month ago

same problem here.

There are 2 copies of the asset DSC_0002.JPG.JPG, taken on 2015-03-06T11:52:26+01:00
  delete DSC_0002.JPG 3104x1746, 1.7 MB, /import/OneDrive_Camera_roll/DSC_0002.JPG
  keep   DSC_0002.JPG 3104x1746, 1.7 MB, /import/OneDrive_Camera_roll/DSC_0002.JPG

Also this is far from an isolated case, majority of my identified "duplicates" look like this