simulot / immich-go

An alternative to the immich-CLI command that doesn't depend on nodejs installation. It tries its best for importing google photos takeout archives.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Stops at "Ready to upload files" #218

Closed StefanWaldraff closed 3 months ago

StefanWaldraff commented 3 months ago

I cannot upload my google takeout to a fresh install of immich hosted on my unraid server. I tested with Immich v1.100.0 and v1.101.0 hosted on unraid and Immich-Go 0.12.0 to 0.13.2. I tried to import from my Windows 10 Deskop and from Unraids bash terminal. The dry-run option succeeded, the actual run stops at first photo.

Here is the bash output: root@UnraidNas:/mnt/user/isos/123# ./immich-go -server -key 2FrQXZZHYIIKluABvCcxJ2LrPbRbBOwsH1Nai1aN3v8 upload -google-photos immich-go 0.13.2, commit 159e3819940075651cd966e6106f1a143bcaa364, built at 2024-04-01T20:53:35Z Server status: OK Ask for server's assets... 0 asset(s) received Browsing google take out archive... Associating JSON and assets... Done. Ready to upload files

Increasing the log-level does not provide any additional output.

Stoping the process gives me: Ctrl+C received. Shutting down... Server error : Takeout/Google Fotos/Donnerstag in Sfakia/IMG_20180524_075655544_HDR.jpg: AssetUpload, POST, Post "": context canceled

context canceled

This comment at Spaceinvader Ones how to guide indicates that others have this issue, too. grafik

Please let me know if I can provide any more information.

simulot commented 3 months ago

It looks like that upload last forever. It may be caused by some network configuration issues. I have seen issues with reverse proxies, OATH configuration...

I'll add a time out on the post queries. At least the program will exit after 30 seconds

StefanWaldraff commented 3 months ago

Thanks for looking into this. I feel like a timout of 30 seconds may be to short for uploading videos with a slow remote connection. Setting a timeout via argument may be a viable solution.

I'm not using OAUTH or a reverse proxy atm and I could upload photos via the web UI. But your hint with the server configuration pointed me in the right direction. The container logs indicated a connection problem with Redis. I use the internal Redis from Immich but messed up the container name. After fixing the connection issues it works like a charm! Thanks for all your effords and creating this awsome importer solution!

simulot commented 3 months ago

Thanks for the report