simulot / immich-go

An alternative to the immich-CLI command that doesn't depend on nodejs installation. It tries its best for importing google photos takeout archives.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Should scanned image + scanned video = total uploaded files? #267

Closed qodesmith closed 1 month ago

qodesmith commented 1 month ago

I have (10) 50GB zip files from google takeout. I'm going one by one. Here's an example output for the 2nd file:

Input analysis:
scanned image file                      :    6320
scanned video file                      :    1492
scanned sidecar file                    :    2610
discarded file                          :      12
unsupported file                        :       0
file duplicated in the input            :       0
associated metadata file                :    2751
missing associated metadata file        :       0

uploaded                                :    2280
server error                            :       0
file not selected                       :      60
server's asset upgraded with the input  :       0
server has same photo                   :     408
server has a better asset               :       0

If it scanned 6320 images and 1492 videos, why do I only see 2280 uploads? Shouldn't I see a total of 7812?

simulot commented 1 month ago

It's looks like you have processed only one part of the takeout files... and the "missing associated metadata file" isn't correct here.

The maths are: uploaded = scanned image file + scanned video file - discarded file - unsupported file - file not selected - server has same photo - server has a better asset So it should be 7332.

qodesmith commented 1 month ago

Should I instead try to process all the zip files at once like this?

immich-go -server <my server> -key <api key> upload -google-photos /path/to/google/zipfiles/*.zip

Will that prevent any missing data?

simulot commented 1 month ago


Google photos takeout is a mess... Metadata files can be stored in another zip than the photo.

I'm fixing the missing associated metadata file counter