simurai / duotone-dark-sea-syntax

A dark blue-green DuoTone syntax theme for Atom
MIT License
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Theme manager #1

Open mrmckeb opened 8 years ago

mrmckeb commented 8 years ago

Hi there,

I had an idea: these themes are beautiful, and it would be great to be able to set a theme per language (customisable). Do you see this as something on your roadmap?

simurai commented 8 years ago

Ya, that could be neat. A problem is that the background color has to be the same so that it matches the tabs (in certain UI themes), but the syntax highlighting could be different for each language.

Maybe something like blue-ish background and then html = red, css = blue, js = yellow.

mrmckeb commented 8 years ago

Interesting point, I wasn't aware that this would be an issue. I guess in that case there would need to be a standard background that didn't have a tint of colour to it - which might make the themes a little less impactful.

simurai commented 8 years ago

Ya.. it could have the same background tint, but then just the 2nd hue would be different in each language.. like make these two share the same background, selectors/properties, but different values (red and green):

68747470733a2f2f636c6f75642e67697468756275736572636f6e74656e742e636f6d2f6173736574732f3337383032332f31313933343233392f35333634616337322d613834342d313165352d393839312d6533643030666231333563312e706e67 68747470733a2f2f636c6f75642e67697468756275736572636f6e74656e742e636f6d2f6173736574732f3337383032332f31323036303732372f34303365356236632d616662392d313165352d383439382d6266643230333935666635342e706e67

Not too big impact, but maybe still noticeable.

mrmckeb commented 8 years ago

I think that could work. Yes, it would be noticeable... but I think people might overlook that for the wow-factor of being able to chose a hue per language.

It'd also make editing an interesting experience, as you'd be able to very clearly differentiate between your open files in Atom by associating the hues with languages.