Create basic dashboard sections for Bike and Ped (separately).
From kn --
A starting point would be to copy the "car traffic" dashboard for all modes.
As a starting point, this would probably only make sense for the modes simulated on the network.
In consequence, for the non-network modes the corresponding modal dashboard should initially say "Mode not simulated on the network. At this point, there is no dashboard for such modes. Please have a look at the Trips dashboard for some aggregated information." And then we could think about dashboard metrics for teleported modes. (There is some quite useful material under "Trips" but we probably do not want to repeat that on a modal dashboard.)_
Create basic dashboard sections for Bike and Ped (separately).
From kn --
A starting point would be to copy the "car traffic" dashboard for all modes.
As a starting point, this would probably only make sense for the modes simulated on the network.
In consequence, for the non-network modes the corresponding modal dashboard should initially say "Mode not simulated on the network. At this point, there is no dashboard for such modes. Please have a look at the Trips dashboard for some aggregated information." And then we could think about dashboard metrics for teleported modes. (There is some quite useful material under "Trips" but we probably do not want to repeat that on a modal dashboard.)_