Todo name: 選択されているテキストを探す
Todo name: 翻訳を登録する
Todo name: 選択されているテキストと翻訳を関連付ける
file: /src/routes/(authed)/learn/+page.svelte
target: add_translation関数のawait show_translation()処理の後
Writing the Issue
[ ] Write each task for this issue using checkboxes
[ ] Write all verbal instructions as tasks
[ ] Add labels and assignees
Before Working on the Issue
[ ] Assign yourself
[ ] Share your screen on Discord
[ ] Write which issue you are starting on Slack
[ ] Git: Fetch the latest main
[ ] Git: Create a branch with the name of the issue
Pre-PR Checks
[ ] Insure that changes include only what is necessary for this PR
Writing the Issue
Before Working on the Issue
Pre-PR Checks