Open 4O6FPV opened 2 years ago
can you post the output of the following command:
docker run -it --rm sinamics/gstreamer | gst-device-monitor-1.0 Video/Source
It should list all available camera.
I dont think the CSI will work, as it needs the nvarguscamerasrc
plugin as far as i know.
This has to be added into the gstreamer container
rover@rover-desktop:~$ docker run -it --rm sinamics/gstreamer | gst-device-monitor-1.0 Video/Source docker: Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Post http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.24/containers/create: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied. See 'docker run --help'. Probing devices...
No devices found! rover@rover-desktop:~$
This is the output that is shown so as you suspected there is no device found. So does this mean that only a USB cam will work on the jetson nano? I also have latest DEV 8 installed on rpi 4 B that does not show a camera as well would this be the same situatuion?
gstreamer container needs to be updated with correct modules to handle the csi camera on jetson.
Your RPI should work just fine, but you might want to enable the legacy camera in raspi-config if you use latest bullseye image.
You can then test your camera with raspistill -o test.jpg
Describe the problem you are having
I have a RPI camera connected to the CSI connection on the jetson nano and I also get this return when I type ls /dev/video0 (return:/dev/video0) which shows there is a camera connected to the CSI connection but I cannot get it to show or start video within the dashboard. The only option I get is the use custom pipeline and no ability to select RPI camera v2. was just testing it on my home wifi network for now just getting all the jetson nano setup.
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