sinara-hw / Booster

Modular 8-channel RF power amplifier
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pythonic SCPI TCP Socket interface #207

Closed jbqubit closed 5 years ago

jbqubit commented 5 years ago

Has anybody written a python socket interface yet for Booster? However bare bones. I know it's not hard but I'd rather not duplicate the effort if it's already been done.

I can successfully interact with Booster over TCP sockets using the nifty MacOS package called Packet Sender. So I know it's working fine on my device.

wizath commented 5 years ago

There was some code snipped somewhere in closed issues about SCPI interface.

hartytp commented 5 years ago

I'll post something in ~1 week when I get hardware to test.

jbqubit commented 5 years ago

hartytp commented 5 years ago

Note that there have been major changes to the firmware since all that was written so almost none of it will work on the new fw. You'll need to either write your own for now or wait for us to get hw we can use for development...

jbqubit commented 5 years ago

Thanks @hartytp. I'll hold on developing my own as it will duplicate much of what you're already written. Will focus on documenting what I see with the hardware and serial interface.

hartytp commented 5 years ago

@jbqubit if you want to fix it, here is a template you can work from. But, most of the commands won't work as they are from a very old fw version...

import socket
import numpy as np

def _validate_channel(channel):
    if not isinstance(channel, int) and not isinstance(channel, np.int32):
        raise ValueError("channel must be an int")
    if (channel < 0) or (channel > 7):
        raise ValueError("invalid channel number {}".format(channel))

class Booster:
    """ Booster 8-channel RF PA """
    def __init__(self, device):
        self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        self.sock.connect((device, 5000))
        self.sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)
        self.ip_addr = device

    def identify(self):
        """ Returns a device identification string """
        with self.sock.makefile() as stream:
            return stream.readline().strip()

    def get_version(self):
        Returns tuple of the revision number as a float, and the build date as
        a string
        idn = self.identify().lower().split(',')
        hw_rev = float(idn[2])
        fw_build = idn[3].strip()
        return hw_rev, fw_build

    def ping(self):
        """ Returns True if we are connected to a Booster """
        idn = self.identify().lower().split(',')
        return idn[0:2] == ["wut", "rfpa booster"]

    def _cmd(self, cmd, channel, arg=None):
        if arg is not None:
            full_cmd = "{} {},{}".format(cmd, channel, arg)
            full_cmd = "{} {}".format(cmd, channel)

        if '?' not in cmd:

        with self.sock.makefile() as stream:
            response = stream.readline().lower().strip()
            # print("RESPONSE: "+response)

            if ('?' not in cmd and response != "okay") or \
               ('?' in cmd and 'error' in response):
                raise Exception("Unrecognised response to '{}': '{}'".format(
                    full_cmd, response))
            return response

    def _query_bool(self, cmd, channel, arg=None):
        resp = self._cmd(cmd, channel, arg)
        if resp == "0":
            return False
        elif resp == "1":
            return True
            raise Exception(
                "Unrecognised response to {}: '{}'".format(cmd, resp))

    def set_enabled(self, channel, enabled=True):
        """ Enables/disables a channel. """
        if enabled:
            cmd = "CHAN:ENAB"
            cmd = "CHAN:DISAB"
        self._cmd(cmd, channel)

    def get_enabled(self, channel):
        """ Query if a channel is enabled """
        return bool(self._cmd("CHAN:ENAB?", channel))

    def set_output_interlock(self, channel, threshold):
        """ Sets the output forward power interlock threshold for a channel in

        This setting is stored in non-volatile memory and retained across power

        :param threshold: must lie between 0dBm and 38dBm
        if (threshold < 0) or (threshold > 38):
            raise ValueError("Output forward power interlock threshold must "
                             "lie between 0dBm and +38dBm")
        self._cmd("INT:POW", channel, "{:.2f}".format(threshold))

    def get_output_interlock(self, channel):
        Returns the output forward power interlock threshold for a channel in
        return float(self._cmd("INT:POW?", channel))

    def get_interlock_tripped(self, channel):
        Returns True if any of the interlocks on a channel have tripped, or
        False if the channel is operating normally
        return self._query_bool("INT:STAT?", channel)

    def get_overload_status(self, channel):
        Returns True if the power interlock for a channel is okay, False if
        it has tripped.
        return self._query_bool("INT:OVER?", channel)

    def get_temperature(self, channel):
        """ Returns the temperature of a channel in C """
        return float(self._cmd("MEAS:TEMP?", channel))

    def clear_interlock(self, channel):
        """ Resets all interlocks for a channel. """
        self._cmd("INT:CLEAR", channel)

    def get_output_power(self, channel):
        """ Returns the output power for a channel in dBm """
        return float(self._cmd("MEAS:OUT?", channel))

    def get_reverse_power(self, channel):
        """ Returns the output reflected power for a channel in dBm """
        return float(self._cmd("MEAS:REV?", channel))

    def close(self):

@sbourdeauducq @jordens what's your thinking on where to put these kinds of drivers (same for Thermostat, Stabilizer, etc). In the fw repo? Or create a (bike shed-name) artiq-drivers repo somewhere?

jordens commented 5 years ago

Here's what I do: As long as you don't commit to stabilizing and freezing the protocol, keep the driver impl in the firmware repo. Once you do releases and stabilize things make one package per driver so you can pin different versions or one driver implementation per (device, version) pair in a big repo. But the latter may be more annoying than useful.

hartytp commented 5 years ago

ack. I'm happy to go for a booster-driver or something repo...

hartytp commented 5 years ago

I'll post something at a booster-driver repo once it's ready.