sinara-hw / Humpback

General purpose STM32/ESP32/OrangePi/Beaglebone baseboard with FPGA and 2 downstream / 1 upstream EEM ports
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[RFC] new EEM: humpback #1

Closed jordens closed 5 years ago

jordens commented 6 years ago

Despite the general purpose of the Sinara ecosystem hardware and the wide range of features, lot of development in labs is still based on random "toy"/"development"/"evaluation"/"hobbyist" boards (called "boards" throughout) with µCs and FPGAs. They are dirt cheap, fit for the many applications that lie outside the typical use cases for Sinara EEMs, get the job done just fine, and have a shallow learning curve suitable for physicists. That won't change and there seems no point in trying to replace those "boards". Instead let's try to integrate them.


I'd like to propose a simple modification to the TTL tester EEM to give it a much wider applicability and open it up for more use cases.

The basic idea is to

  1. get connectivity between boards and the Sinara EEM connector
  2. build a easy way of mounting those boards in a crate
  3. to supply them with power.

Use cases


There seem to be two approaches:

A EEM adapter: Shield

Build a "shield" that just implements the connectivity aspect (1) where a remote board is connected to the core device.

A EEM board carrier: Humpback

Build a EEM that achieves (1) both ways, (2), and (3).

Potential layouts and pinouts

The choice for the connector layout (power, i2c, digital) is a bit tricky. For both shield and EEM there could be:

Arduino Uno V3

The "Arduino Uno v3" pattern for the shield and the EEM plus a common denominator of mounting holes and standoffs for the EEM would cover large subset of boards. These are typically stacked and the EEM would probably the "top" of the stack while the board is the "bottom". Best position and orientation unclear.



26 pin Raspberry Pi+

Has 5V, I2C, 3V CMOS, mounting hole pattern.

Digilent PMOD

Probably only as a shield.

ST Morpho


beagle bone

marmeladapk commented 6 years ago

Just a quick note: Intel Galileo (Edison and Joule also for that matter) has been EOLed.

gkasprow commented 6 years ago

There is new Arduino with FPGA, so this could be interesting idea. If we want to keep the cost down, maybe ICE40 FPGA family could be an option? It is very low cost (~1$) and has completely open source toolchain. Tiny FPGA between uPC and EEM could be benefit and help build relations between Arduino and EEM. ICE40 would replace LVDS drivers. FPGA is loaded from FLASH or processor.

sbourdeauducq commented 6 years ago

f we want to keep the cost down, maybe ICE40 FPGA family could be an option? It is very low cost (~1$) and has completely open source toolchain. Tiny FPGA between uPC and EEM could be benefit and help build relations between Arduino and EEM. ICE40 would replace LVDS drivers.

Sounds good.

sbourdeauducq commented 6 years ago

If we have a FPGA flash, the boards can come shipped with a bitstream that turns the FPGA into a dumb LVDS/TTL converter.

gkasprow commented 6 years ago

Exactly, and we would cut the cost. Arduino has nice feature - standarisaton of the connector. So we can plug variety of clones even with Linux machines on it. We can make double Arduino/RPI footprint.

gkasprow commented 6 years ago

There are ICE40 shields for RPI with tools that configure the FPGA from Linux, this could be powerful tool.

dtcallcock commented 6 years ago

Would this be a way of creating an Ethernet carrier, as discussed in #473?

gkasprow commented 6 years ago

This is my understanding of this task. Recently I use tiny Orange Pi board. It has essentially all what is needed, quad core CPU and several IOs. The cost is 8$. But RPI has better support and probably would be optimal choice for such purpose. So ability to plug either Arduino Leonardo (with Ethernet) or RPI would satisfy most use cases.

gkasprow commented 6 years ago

ICE40 FPGAs has nice features : hardened SPI and I2C cores :)

sbourdeauducq commented 6 years ago

Those aren't nice features, those are a waste of time; a harbor for frustrating bugs and having to learn SPI/I2C again with the proprietary interface du jour. What is nice is high-quality, portable, open-source HDL for SPI and I2C.

gkasprow commented 6 years ago

@sbourdeauducq I didn't use them, can be useful in case of lack of resources when somebody desperately needs to get some logic cells:)

gkasprow commented 6 years ago

@jordens do you think that it makes sense to provide support for 2 EEMs? I.e. to run Sampler or Urukul with Rapsberry pi :) If so, then we have to use ICE40 FPGA in BGA package (8$) instead of QFN one for 2..3$. But then 3 EEMs can be installed.

jordens commented 6 years ago

@gkasprow For Humpback (but not Shield) that makes a lot of sense to me. The added cost of one more IDC header seems ok. And most µC/FPGA mezzanine boards seem to be able to handle 16 IO. Then for the FPGA on Humpback, 21 I2C pairs and 28 LVDS pairs, plus 2*8+2 CMOS IO to the mezzanine? That would be 54 pins. Are we talking something like the ICE40HX1K-TQ144?

gkasprow commented 6 years ago

@jordens The ICE40 family has LVDS lines only in one bank. With TQFP140 package you can connect only one EEM, BGA256 enables 3 EEMs. I want to use Beaglebone as default with corresponding panel cutouts.

gkasprow commented 6 years ago

Some sketch obraz

gkasprow commented 6 years ago

why beaglebone?

Of course place for Arduino Leonardo Ethernet will also be available

jordens commented 6 years ago

@gkasprow Ack the ICE40 BGA256 and the three EEMs.

The Beagle bone is fine. But I'd like to support a simpler/cheaper µC board as well. The BB needs male headers on Humpback. It looks like we can add female headers for the ST Nucleo 64 boards. And I think they will not collide with the beaglebone. They are wider apart and the underside of the nucleo is empty.

Why Nucelo 64/STM32:

gkasprow commented 6 years ago

OK, so maybe let's put Ethernet and USB couplers on the panel and provide several footprints on the EEM. In this way the panel is fixed and we can install Arduino, BB, STM32, etc.

jordens commented 6 years ago

A couple open questions:

gkasprow commented 6 years ago

DIP switches will be routed to the FPGA so can be used for any purpose. Defualt configuration will provide LVTTL-> LVDS buffers. I'd use low cost Ethernet and USB couplers on the panel. We can also place the USB and RJ45 connectors on the PCB and make such couplers ourselves.

jordens commented 6 years ago

Ah. Then there would be a short patch cable to the board. That's OK by me. The other approach with connectors on Humpback is OK as well. I don't know which is more compact/cheaper. Since the front panel is now used and closed, I'd expect users to add another front panel next to humpback for their own non-Ethernet/USB connectivity, i.e. ADCs, DACs, GPIO, etc.

hartytp commented 6 years ago

I'd use low cost Ethernet and USB couplers on the panel. We can also place the USB and RJ45 connectors on the PCB and make such couplers ourselves.

I'm never a fan of having USB/ethernet feedthroughs on the FP + internal cables. They tend to be bulky and annoying and the cables get caught on things. Plus, it's more parts that need to be sourced.

If we're thinking of going down the route of having the customer solder on pin header and supply the microprocessor board, then why not have front panels sold separately to the PCB? That way the user buys the right panel for their microprocessor board and installs it when fitting the microprocessor module.

jordens commented 6 years ago

Yes. There is the pigtail mess with inflexible but short RJ45 cables and the added parts. Thinking about it, I'd also prefer either a big empty cutout in the panel large enough to accommodate the target boards or different panels for different boards.

jordens commented 6 years ago

And I suspect this will need to be 6 HP or 8 HP, certainly for the Nucleo, but looking at the rendering also the BB.

jordens commented 5 years ago

After the Banker design a few additional notes and opinions.

gkasprow commented 5 years ago

What about using 3D printed panel inserts? I will make and releases stl files so everybody will be able to print them at home. 3D printers are so popular these days. For 200$ one can get one with sufficient print quality. We have such one in the lab. Recently I bought Prusa MK3 for home use and it is decent print quality printer for less than 1k EUR. Why 3D printed panels? Various board have different distance between connectors and board edge. Some have 5V supply connectors that it's safer to cover entirely. Some have mini USB that require very thin panel. 3D printed one would solve all the issues easily. Due to small area print time / cost would be low.

gkasprow commented 5 years ago

@jordens do you want one of EEM ports to be upstream? I.e. to use one of SBC as a target for Kasli ?

jordens commented 5 years ago

3d printed panel inserts sounds good. Then you can easily do recessed panels or none at all for quick testing. Yes. I'd stick pretty close to the banker design for the eem connectors. Using Humpback as a Target for kasli is definitely a nice use case.

gkasprow commented 5 years ago

I want to produce Humpback, Stabilizer and Banker at the same time using shared documentation to limit NRE costs. @jordens @hartytp please check schematics and initial component placement for Humpback. The board is 99% routed but no DRC and cosmetics were done. PDF is here, sources are in repo Humpback.PDF

I provided support for: Nucleo 144 (compatible with Arduino), Beaglebone Black, Orange Pi Zero, Wiznet (2x UART only) and ESP32 which uses same code and tools as ESP8266 but has 2 CPU cores and much more memory. I use it for my projects since some time. And it has ufl antenna connector for WiFi and Bluetooth so one can attach SMA pigtail to the 3D printed panel and gain wifi access. It is supported by Arduino so remote logging or control using MQTT with i.e. Cayenne/Blynk and mobile App is trivial - just a few lines of code. I have such projects in my private repo. All common ports like I2C, UARTs, SPI were routed together to save pins. All SBCs have access to FPGA configuration pins so they can load the FPGA directly without supporting FLASH. There are open source codes that do it for Beaglebone and STM32. Beaglebone pin naming comes from LOGI-BONE project where bus access to FPGA is used. I also use same FPGA config pins so changes to the code would be minimal. Open source HDL and Linux code are available. Rest of Beaglebone pins are named after the GPIOs All dedicated pins were connected to individual FPGA pins. In this way we will be able to provide and support same HDL code for all SBC platforms. FPGA supports up to 4 images in the FLASH, selectable using DIP switch. In this way user can choose which functionality to load depending on installed SBC.

hartytp commented 5 years ago

@gkasprow I'm not really the best person to review this kind of design. I had a quick look over it and it looks really nice, but I can't give you detailed feedback (not enough experience using these kind of microprocessor boards).

One question: did we plan to make this a PoE module? Or, is it intended to always be powered from a 12V supply?

hartytp commented 5 years ago

I want to produce Humpback, Stabilizer and Banker at the same time using shared documentation to limit NRE costs.

Can we sneak Thermostat in there as well?

gkasprow commented 5 years ago

Thermostat is 2 layer board, I'd rather produce in one run: 2 thermostats, 4 banker extension modules and EEM protection board

gkasprow commented 5 years ago

PoE would be hard - none of the boards support PoE. There are some plans for PoE for OrangePie but it is not real POE, just a way to send 12V over Ethernet lines.

jordens commented 5 years ago

A quick first set of comments:

gkasprow commented 5 years ago
Great work. Congrats to fitting all devboards onto Humpback! I didn't expect that.
I assume this would come with all pin headers not soldered but still included.


It's a bit risky to do all three boards at the same time especially with Banker and Humpback being so similar. Fine if the NRE savings outweigh that risk.

these are relatively simple boards, easy to rework

Testpoints should be on the top if at all possible (TP*, B*)

Aren't they? I'll check

The Nucleo 144 boards seem to have one of four different pinouts. But I couldn't identify the actual difference quickly. Which pinout is this?

I took the 144 series because they have embedded Ethernet

Is that distance between the capacitor/resistor combo and the front panel screws/washers large enough?

I'll check

Doesn't the ESP32 need a specific ground/keep-out area/pattern near the PCB antenna?

I used one with ufl. An antenna inside of the rack do not make a lot of sense.

From the PCB renders with the 12V copper areas, the EEM headers are still the wrong assignment. The upstream one should be the rightmost.

that's right, the copper is not finished, it's copied from previous version of Banker

Is 10µF as the biggest cap going to be sufficient for the FPGA VCC/VCCIO? Comparing that with Kasli it sounds tiny. But I guess you took a devboard as the reference.

This FPGA consumes really tiny amount of power, I'll check with datasneet. I copied it from another design.

I didn't check any pinouts, or pins vs datasheet consistency. Would you like someone to do that?

Yes, mainly power supplies and dedicated pins. Rest of the are general purpose IOs which can go to any location

No PoE is fine by me. There are cheap external PoE+ splitters for barrel.


gkasprow commented 5 years ago

I took 144 series devkit with CPU we use for Stabilizer as a reference.

gkasprow commented 5 years ago

The devkit I've chosen supports many CPUs with assembly options: NUCLEO-F207ZG, NUCLEO-F303ZE, NUCLEO-F412ZG, NUCLEO-F413ZH, NUCLEO-F429ZI, NUCLEO-F439ZI, NUCLEO-F446ZE, NUCLEO-F722ZE, NUCLEO-F746ZG, NUCL EO-F756ZG, NUCLEO-F767ZI and NUCLEO-H743ZI

So this gives a lot of options.

jordens commented 5 years ago

I'll try to go through the power supplies and dedicated pins over the next days. Ack the other points.

jordens commented 5 years ago
gkasprow commented 5 years ago
I'd suggest connecting GBIN0 to SPI_SCK (clock FPGA from CPU SPI) and GBIN1 to STM32_PB10 or STM32_PB11 (clock FPGA from CPU timer), GBIN4 and 5 are good.


On the beaglebone I think you have CFG_MOSI and CFG_MISO swapped. On STM32 MISO/MOSI can be swapped. I don't know about BB.

will check it

If the I2C tree gets large, multiple 2k2 resistors are in parallel (up to eight counting Humpback/Banker alone if the switch has all ports enabled, more if there are EEMs connected to it). Is this really robust? How many I2C bus segments can you enable until you get a latchup? I think that note on the schematic only applies to banker where the FPGA bank is at 2.5V.

True, actually I don't think that somebody will enable all ports, but when one does, may lock the bus.

GBIN7 must be the first LVDS pair of the upstream EEM (both here and on banker)


GBIN6 can be the first downstream EEM
Probably worth running the Lattice tools to estimate dynamic power consumption.

The design must contain some useful logic to make sense doing it.

The 1.2V LDO talks about a 2 mA minimum current draw. The static draw from the FPGA is 1.1 mA.

Good catch, anyway in real life it works and voltage is 1.2V. I can add some load to be sure.

There is a GND pin on the ESP32 not connected.


Is T8A/T8B just two AND gates with open collector outputs? What's the story behind it?

simplicity. It is used on all ESP32 devkits so I don't want to invent something else.

What's with SW0 and SW1? And separate from that, why are FLASH_SDI/SCK on the dip switch? How would you use that?

After FPGA gets configured, these are regular IOs and can be used as inputs. In this way you spare 2 pins.

Does it make sense to put populated 0R resistors into at least a few of the ADC and DAC pins of the STM32 to optionally disconnect them from the FPGA (FPGA pulling the ADC inputs, or coupling noise)? Similar for BB.

Do we plan to use thes ADC and DAC pins for something analog?

There seems to be an opportunity to remove a lot of wire crossings by pin swapping, e.g. around the DIP switches. I guess that's what you meant by cosmetics.

Yes, but vias cost nothing. I meant curly and dangling traces :)

jordens commented 5 years ago

All ACK. I'd like to be able to use the STM32 ADC/DAC without worrying about the FPGA pins connected to them. Let's put 0R (or a DIP switch array? but I am fine with 0R here) on PA3 PC0 PC3 PC1 PC4 PC5 and PB1 PC2 PA2 for ADC and PA4 PA5 for DAC.

jordens commented 5 years ago

And it would be great if the various switch and pin arrays could get lots of silkscreen labels, even for individual pins on the PCB top side.

jordens commented 5 years ago

Looking at the ice40hx break out board and the ice40 hardware checklist. Probably also applies to Banker.

gkasprow commented 5 years ago

I copied it from working design. And that working design was copied from somewhere else. So errors could propagate. I can add switcher for 1.2V, but for such small FPGAs I expect core current less than 0.5A. We can use same low cost AUR9705 chip as for 3.3V

jordens commented 5 years ago

ACK, I am not particularly worried about LDO vs switcher and my guess is significantly less than 0.5A but that would be 1W burned in the LDO.

jordens commented 5 years ago
gkasprow commented 5 years ago

I didn't finish the mechanical side yet. True, we will need Ethernet cutout to use stadard goldpin connectors.

gkasprow commented 5 years ago

Lattice is using 300mA LDO (LT3030EFE#TRPBF) on their ICESTICK devkit which uses HX4K FPGA They supply it from 5V directly.

jordens commented 5 years ago

Ack. Your choice. If consumption is linear in size that would be 600 mA.

gkasprow commented 5 years ago

OK, I used switcher. It costs 0.5EUR.