sinara-hw / Phaser

Quad channel 1GS/s RF generator card with dual IQ upconverter and dual 5MS/s ADC and FPGA in EEM form factor
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check power consumption #116

Open hartytp opened 3 years ago

hartytp commented 3 years ago

seems a bit high on some rails indicating a potential problem:

gkasprow commented 3 years ago

I measured power consumption, but since there is some issue with DAC, they may not be representative for all rails. P12V0A 3.2mV 0.24R I= 13mA N12V0A 4.8mV 0.24R I=20mA P5V5 6.4mV 0.045R I= 142mA P3V6A 13.7mV 0.045R I=304mA P1V5A 6mV 0.045R I=133mA P3V3 30mV 0.045R I= 666mA P1V0 14mV 0.045R I= 311mA

gkasprow commented 3 years ago

Not symmetrical current consumption of the N12V0A is caused mainly by the LED, which has 1.2k resistor.

gkasprow commented 3 years ago

I used inductor resistance to estimate the currents, so there is something like a 10% error.

gkasprow commented 3 years ago

I see one issue with 3V3 rail consumption. I assumed max value of 384mA, but I measure more than 660mA

gkasprow commented 3 years ago

P1V8A consumes I= 4.8mV/0.05R = 96mA which is fine

hartytp commented 3 years ago

@gkasprow was this for the baseband or upconverting module?

P5V5 6.4mV 0.045R I= 142mA

I don't understand the power budget. What are "from dep." and "with dep."? How does this current compare to expectations?

hartytp commented 3 years ago

@gkasprow any idea why @jordens measured the TRN 3-1222 getting to 65C when it's not dissipating much power at all?

gkasprow commented 3 years ago

P3V3 without FPGA config is just 9.3mV/0.034=206mA. With FPGA configured, it consumes 666mA. This rail supplies 2V5 and 3V3 FPGA rails.

gkasprow commented 3 years ago

@hartytp "from dep" means it is supply from dependent rails, i.e. LDOs. "with dep" is a sum of LDOs and main rails.

gkasprow commented 3 years ago

the TRN 3-1222 consumes 40mA of idle current. Which is already half of watt. It is well isolated thermally from the PCB so it's not suprising that it heats itself to such temperature. The load is 165mW which adds roughly 30..40mW to the bill.

gkasprow commented 3 years ago

we have 37 LVDS signals. If we assume each of them is 2x4mA, we get 296mA of just static power, just for LVDS links

gkasprow commented 3 years ago

that I didn't take into account making the power budget

gkasprow commented 3 years ago

but it does not change the power budget so much obraz

hartytp commented 3 years ago

@gkasprow with the caveat that the DAC isn't fully configured, what's your conclusion? Does the measured total/rail power match the budget?

gkasprow commented 3 years ago

For the moment I have 4.7W - Kasli 9.2W Kasli + Phaser 12.5W Kasli + Phaser with FPGA configured 12.8W after running I would be able to check more when I have the DAC running.

jordens commented 3 years ago

125 mhz clock from kasli connected? And is that face alarm happening always or just the first time you run the script?

gkasprow commented 3 years ago

Yes, it is. I see it on the scope. The alarm error appears each time I run the script. However, this is the board that didn't want to work with testbench @kaolpr wrote. I suspect it has some HW issue with FPGA-DAC.

jordens commented 3 years ago

Maybe. But you are also the first one to test it afaik. So there are likely issues to be found. Could you print out the dac alarm register in check_dac_alarns() before the error is raised?

gkasprow commented 3 years ago

sure. How exactly should I do it? I'm a newbie to ARTIQ

jordens commented 3 years ago

I added a commit to make this a bit easier (no need to make new bitstreams but double check that artiq phaser tree is the latest and that you are using the phaser v0.3 bitstream):

device_db["phaser0"] = {
    "type": "local",
    "module": "artiq.coredevice.phaser",
    "class": "Phaser",
    "arguments": {
        "channel_base": ...,
        "dac": {"fifo_offset": 2},
        "clk_sel": 0
gkasprow commented 3 years ago
[nix-shell:/workspace]$ artiq_run ./experiments/
Core Device Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./experiments/", line 12, in __modinit__ (RA=+0x8c8)
  File "<artiq>/coredevice/", line -1, in ... artiq.coredevice.phaser.Phaser.init<artiq.coredevice.phaser.Phaser>(...) (RA=+0x256c)
  File "<artiq>/coredevice/", line 283, column 17, in ... artiq.coredevice.phaser.Phaser.init<artiq.coredevice.phaser.Phaser>(...)
    raise ValueError("DUC+oscillator phase/amplitude test failed")
ValueError(0): DUC+oscillator phase/amplitude test failed
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/nix/store/ks8m3p0isn9l87795ap258l4abc5p9g9-python3.7-artiq-6.7267.4340a5cf.beta/bin/.artiq_run-wrapped", line 9, in <module>
  File "/modules/artiq/artiq/frontend/", line 225, in main
    return run(with_file=True)
  File "/modules/artiq/artiq/frontend/", line 211, in run
    raise exn
  File "/modules/artiq/artiq/frontend/", line 204, in run
  File "/modules/artiq/artiq/language/", line 54, in run_on_core
    return getattr(self, arg).run(run_on_core, ((self,) + k_args), k_kwargs)
  File "/modules/artiq/artiq/coredevice/", line 137, in run
    self.comm.serve(embedding_map, symbolizer, demangler)
  File "/modules/artiq/artiq/coredevice/", line 629, in serve
    self._serve_exception(embedding_map, symbolizer, demangler)
  File "/modules/artiq/artiq/coredevice/", line 621, in _serve_exception
    raise python_exn
ValueError: DUC+oscillator phase/amplitude test failed
gkasprow commented 3 years ago

each time I get the same error

gkasprow commented 3 years ago

when I comment this part:

        # allow ripple
       # if (data_i < sqrt2 - 30 or data_i > sqrt2 or
        #        abs(data_i - data_q) > 2):
         #   print(ch)
         #   raise ValueError("DUC+oscillator phase/amplitude test failed")

it starts blinking LEDs and power consumption is 15W with Kasli

gkasprow commented 3 years ago

It prints channel 0

gkasprow commented 3 years ago

How to get something at the DAC output? I tried this sequence; self.core.reset() self.phaser0.init(debug=True) self.phaser0.set_cfg()[0].set_nco_frequency(10000000)

jordens commented 3 years ago

Use the phaser script (linked above) or the tool (in artiq/frontend)

jordens commented 3 years ago

That phase amplitude test should not fail if you use recent bitstreams. And apparently now your dac alarms are gone.

jordens commented 3 years ago

The phase amplitude test also fails if you hit The current work around is to reload the Phaser bitstream (or power cycle kasli+phaser if both are flashed with the desired bistreams).

gkasprow commented 3 years ago

This time I downloaded the bitstream directly from

jordens commented 3 years ago

The DAC alarm you are seeing is alarm_fifo_2away. Try "fifo_offset": 0, 1, 3 or 4 (instead of the default 2) in (see above).

gkasprow commented 3 years ago

OK, I'm playing with When I set fifo_offset to 3, the DAC error disppears. I get

./phaser/ error: this function of type method(fn=(self:<instance artiq.coredevice.phaser.Phaser>, ?debug:'a)->'b delay('c), self=<instance artiq.coredevice.phaser.Phaser>) does not accept argument 'clk_sel'
./phaser/ note: extraneous argument
jordens commented 3 years ago

That's an old code version.

gkasprow commented 3 years ago

OK, true. This time I get:

[nix-shell:/workspace]$ artiq_run ./phaser/ 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/nix/store/ks8m3p0isn9l87795ap258l4abc5p9g9-python3.7-artiq-6.7267.4340a5cf.beta/bin/.artiq_run-wrapped", line 9, in <module>
  File "/modules/artiq/artiq/frontend/", line 225, in main
    return run(with_file=True)
  File "/modules/artiq/artiq/frontend/", line 211, in run
    raise exn
  File "/modules/artiq/artiq/frontend/", line 204, in run
  File "./phaser/", line 16, in run
  File "/modules/artiq/artiq/language/", line 54, in run_on_core
    return getattr(self, arg).run(run_on_core, ((self,) + k_args), k_kwargs)
  File "/modules/artiq/artiq/coredevice/", line 137, in run
    self.comm.serve(embedding_map, symbolizer, demangler)
  File "/modules/artiq/artiq/coredevice/", line 627, in serve
  File "/modules/artiq/artiq/coredevice/", line 527, in _serve_rpc
    args, kwargs = self._receive_rpc_args(embedding_map)
  File "/modules/artiq/artiq/coredevice/", line 385, in _receive_rpc_args
    value = self._receive_rpc_value(embedding_map)
  File "/modules/artiq/artiq/coredevice/", line 378, in _receive_rpc_value
    return receivers.get(tag)(self, embedding_map)
  File "/modules/artiq/artiq/coredevice/", line 86, in _receive_list
    item = fn(kernel, embedding_map)
  File "/modules/artiq/artiq/coredevice/", line 148, in <lambda>
  File "/modules/artiq/artiq/compiler/", line 118, in retrieve_object
    return self.object_forward_map[obj_key]
KeyError: 2895
jordens commented 3 years ago

That's an old ARTIQ version (mismatch between bitstream and host code). But the error is late enough that you should have output from the DAC and the TRFs.

gkasprow commented 3 years ago

I don't see any output. Which commits of artiq and phasern shoul I use? For the moment I'm using: artiq:

* phaser


* d517d5d4421ae9f31ae556f458fdb2f63e4d1abd
jordens commented 3 years ago

If the asterisk marks your HEAD, then the Phaser commit is ok (use the bitstream and example from that). It doesn't tell me what ARTIQ commit you are using. In any case you need to make sure that the bitstreams on the devices also match those commits, not just the code on your computer. I've pushed v0.4 with explicit ARTIQ and misoc commits that I tested.

jordens commented 3 years ago

Also why does the host-gateware-firmware mismatch detection seem to be broken? @sbourdeauducq ?

jordens commented 3 years ago

If you run the script to completion, comment out this line to not put the DAC and the TRFs to sleep.

sbourdeauducq commented 3 years ago

Works for me...

sb@vulcan ~/a/a/e/kc705_nist_clock (master)> nix-shell "<artiq-fast/shell-dev.nix>"
sb@vulcan ~/a/a/e/kc705_nist_clock (master)> artiq_run repository/
WARNING:artiq.coredevice.comm_kernel:Mismatch between gateware (6.7372.a6523995.beta) and software (6.7370.29c940f4.beta) versions
       .......,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,--------:::;+MMhM :------,,,,,.............

Do you have a repro?

kaolpr commented 3 years ago

@gkasprow asked me to help him with this. We've managed to get rid of this KeyError: 2895 error (wrong MiSoC version). Now example script from phaser gw repo finishes with no errors. However, Greg reports no output on DAC.

I tried to use test mode by doing:[0].set_duc_cfg(select=1)[1].set_duc_cfg(select=1)
while True:[0].set_dac_test(0x0)[1].set_dac_test(0x0)

Unfortunately, it did not give any output on DAC. @jordens are we missing something?

gkasprow commented 3 years ago

Actually, I observe 475...478mV DC on all DAC output pins.

jordens commented 3 years ago ?

kaolpr commented 3 years ago

Yes, I did comment out L63.

kaolpr commented 3 years ago

And when I tried to use test mode the code never reached L63 either.

jordens commented 3 years ago

What's "test mode"? You said you can run the script to the end. If you can run the script (artiq/phaser commits and bitstreams as in v0.4) to the end with that line commented out there should be dac output everywhere.

kaolpr commented 3 years ago

What's "test mode"?

I believe the mode that corresponds to set_duc_cfg(select=1)? Then set_dac_test() sets value that is output to DAC, am I right? At least that's what I tried when Greg reported that after was finished with line 63 commented out (artiq/phaser commits as in v0.4 note) there was no output on DAC.

jordens commented 3 years ago

It sets the value that's sent to the dac.

gkasprow commented 3 years ago

Is there any kind of HW failure that can lead to such an issue? Is the data integrity checked by the DAC somehow? There is a PARITY line, I assume DAC would set an alarm if something was wrong. @kaolpr had issues with DAC initialization on this particular board, but the current code seems to work. The DAC does something, at least it sets the DC value correctly.

jordens commented 3 years ago

I don't know. init() runs lots of different tests, including several iotest. Parity check is enabled. So is every alarm that the datasheet describes. Some will turn of the DAC outputs if they trigger. If the example script runs to the end (dac_sleep and trf_ps disabled) and does not indicate a relevant alarm by then, there should be output. Maybe check on a scope for transient output until the alarm triggers after the script is long done. As mentioned above the sinara_tester script will also create outputs.

hartytp commented 3 years ago

@jordens Digging through the issues, I've lost track of what data you took. I see that you measured a higher than expected current draw with the upconverters. Did you measure anything / anything unexpected with the baseband version?