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Ultra fast <10ns 50MHz PID regulator with correction filters
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RFC: very low latency PID #1

Open gkasprow opened 11 months ago

gkasprow commented 11 months ago

A few times, I was asked about the feasibility of building something similar to a very low latency PID like FALC-PRO We are talking about a delay of <10ns at >50MHz BW. We can start working on it, providing sufficient interest in the community. But we need to get somehow to initial specification first :)

sbourdeauducq commented 11 months ago

There is also the idea of the low-latency digital servo with the ADC replaced with a FPGA TDC (to avoid high-latency ADCs), and a low-latency DAC like TI DAC904. Probably based on ECP5 FPGA and delay line TDC, maybe GT transceivers if they aren't high-latency and problematic like Xilinx's. Need to determine how well PDH and similar schemes would perform in theory using a TDC/1-bit ADC.

dtcallcock commented 11 months ago

Is there a way of adding these features to: ? Given firmware support will probably the bottleneck, 1 board is more likely to be supported than 2.

sbourdeauducq commented 11 months ago

Port of linien to fast-servo is under way. @fsagbuya got not-os to boot in emulated Zynq recently and then it would just run mostly the original Linien code.

The first board idea would be analog and without much firmware if at all.

For reaching those very low latencies you want to avoid traditional data converters like those on fast-servo.

gkasprow commented 11 months ago

Exactly. There are no converters on the market able to reach 10ns round trip delay. So this must be analog with digital tuning only

dtcallcock commented 11 months ago

Could it be a mezzanine board then?

gkasprow commented 11 months ago

Could it be a mezzanine board then?

sure. Even for Stabilizer. I see it as stand-alone device.

gkasprow commented 10 months ago

I found very interesting paper on high-speed PIDs using current feedback amplifiers P, I, and D gain/slope can be tuned by voltage using OPA860 transconductance. image

gkasprow commented 10 months ago

Yet another approach to tunable integrator

gkasprow commented 10 months ago

@sbourdeauducq, what would be the primary use case? Make it a faster version of Pounder, replace digital PID with analogue one? Or make it a general-purpose, very low-latency regulator, optionally with an RF mixer at the input? The main issue is who will test our prototypes in a real live scenario.

sbourdeauducq commented 10 months ago

I would make the front-end modular and not hardwire PDH. This way you could use it in particular to lock a laser to a reference laser or a frequency comb line by looking at the beat note (i.e. include this control loop into an optical PLL scheme).

Cost-effective demonstrators that come to mind are (1) telecom DFB into fiber ring reference cavity and (2) telecom DFB against 1523nm HeNe reference laser.

gkasprow commented 10 months ago

So let's draw some initial specification:

sbourdeauducq commented 10 months ago

I'm not sure if PID is enough. If it's controlling a laser diode current, they have a weird phase response at high frequencies. The FALC pro has higher-order coefficients which may or may not be for this reason.

gkasprow commented 10 months ago

We can always make PI^2D^2

gkasprow commented 10 months ago

Or even PI³D² . The challenge would be tuning such regulator.

gkasprow commented 9 months ago

I played a bit with integrators and differentiators based on OTA concept. It looks interesting. First approach - I converted triangle to square wave and back: image


the second approach is interesting because the differentiator can have grounded capacitor image image

Initially, I thought that OTA enables tuning the integrator/differentiator slope by changing the Iq. But it works only when we use diamond transistor Ic/Ub transconductance. It means we have to operate in the +/-20mV linear range of the bipolar transistor base. So that approach will work only for such integrators image

Minimal transconductance - output voltage is 1Vpp image Maximal transconductance - output voltage is 7.6Vpp image This example shows that, in principle, the bias current can change the slope of the integrator. I am still trying to figure out how to make the differentiator in such a way that tunable transconductance would work.

gkasprow commented 9 months ago

In the paper I pointed before there is an example of tunable PID that works according to this principle image The CFOA consist of two OTA image The principle is identical to my simulations. The authors say that the transimpedance can be controlled by Iq. That's interesting because a diamond transistor should always have the Ic/Ie (common base config) current gain =1. I've just noticed that they are using the common emitter approach. And indeed, we can tune the slope! The range is much narrower than in the case of hard voltage steering. The circuit: image

Maximum Iq, Vout = 443mVpp image Minimum Iq, Vout = 728mVpp. We operate in a linear region because the transistor works in the current mode. image

So, now, let's swap the capacitor with the resistor and see how the integrator behaves.

image Maximum Iq, Vout = 486mVpp image

Minimum Iq, Vout = 480mVpp, nearly no difference image

gkasprow commented 9 months ago

To conclude:

gkasprow commented 9 months ago

Interesting finding. I expected the current gain to be close to 1, like in the common-base transistor. But in the case of diamond transistors, that's not true. Let's take such a schematic. image Min Iq, Gain = 0.84 image Max Iq, Gain = 0.55 image

We have the same resistor at the input and the output, so we have some currents (E is virtual ground). Moreover, the lower the transconductance, the higher the gain we get.

The DS says: image

gkasprow commented 9 months ago

I replaced OPA660 with OPA860. Tham main difference is that the latter has Iq adjusted only for OTA, not for the output buffer. And when I chance the Iq, the gain stays constant. The schematic image

gkasprow commented 9 months ago

I built the differentiator with OPA860, but the slope doesn't change with the Iq, unfortunately. It's, however, conforming to the theory of OTA. image

So, it looks like OPA860 is inedeed fixed version of OPA660 :)

gkasprow commented 9 months ago

Since OPA660 is NRD, we cannot really make the tunable differentiator with OPA860 because OPA660's bugs were fixed.

gkasprow commented 9 months ago

The only option is to use the approach of commercial PID controllers: variable resistors + switched capacitor banks. FALC Pro is also using relays and RC banks. It's visible in the configuration software that all PID parameters are selectable, for example: Zdjęcie WhatsApp 2023-12-11 o 21 35 50_a96e3c3d

gkasprow commented 9 months ago

RC switching can be done using muxes (DG series from Analog), lateral DMOS switches (SST21x) or opto-MOS. We used OPTO-MOS in high-speed analogue front ends for CERN high-performance ADC cards. Here is an example of how to build a 100MHz variable range amplifier. The design is on the OHWR webpage. image

I want to build sth better than FALC Pro. They use just a few discrete values, so why not use 2^n weights? This gives far more flexibility. Moreover, I'd consider adding a varicap to tune the cutoff frequency continuously. That could be important when compensating very high speed loops. Let's assume we have integrator capacitor values:

  1. 100p,
  2. 200p
  3. 400p
  4. 800p
  5. 1.6n
  6. 3.2n
  7. 6.4n
  8. 12.8n
  9. 25.6n
  10. 51.2n

The number of switches is similar, but the tuning range is continuous from 100p to 100nF. When we add a varicap that can tune from 10p to 200pF but only use a linear range of 10..100pF, we end up with a range from 10pF to 100nF with 1pF increment! That's four orders of magnitude. Of course, the monotonicity of such a capacitor would be an issue, but when needed, it can be fixed in software.

gkasprow commented 9 months ago

These AQY221N3M switches are great! They offer 1.1pF, 5Ohm and very low crosstalk - essentially no charge injection. The only issue is their price: 5$ per piece, and we would need a lot of them. DMOS switches like SD211 cost the same and need a +/-10V driver. Recently, several families of low capacitance, low crosstalk and low RDSON switches were introduced and used mainly for high-speed interface switching. Example is PI5A392A from Diodes. It's 1.6$ per 4 switches. It has 6 ohms and 13pF, so it can be used for less demanding signals, like switching higher capacitance values.

dnadlinger commented 9 months ago

TMUX136, TMUX1511 and a few more similar TI parts might also be worth considering.

gkasprow commented 9 months ago

Let's discuss the tuning ranges. As a first approach, I'd use ones from Toptica documentation. It's available online as a zip package of firmware for DLC Pro. I1: 1 = 1.5 kHz; 2 = 3.0 kHz; 3 = 7.0 kHz; 4 = 15 kHz; 5 = 31 kHz; 6 = 70 kHz; 7 = 130 kHz; 8 = 290 kHz; 9 = 620 kHz; 10 = 7.0 MHz I2: 1 = 25 Hz; 2 = 50 Hz; 3 = 100 Hz; 4 = 220 Hz; 5 = 470 Hz; 6 = 1.0 kHz; 7 = 2.2 kHz; 8 = 5.0 kHz; 9 = 10 kHz I3: 1 = 0.6 Hz; 2 = 1.8 Hz; 3 = 6.0 Hz; 4 = 18 Hz; 5 = 60 Hz; 6 = 180 Hz; 7 = 600 Hz I1: 1 = 10 kHz; 2 = 20 kHz; 3 = 40 kHz; 4 = 90 kHz; 5 = 190 kHz; 6 = 400 kHz; 7 = 760 kHz; 8 = 1.5 MHz; 9 = 3.5 MHz; 10 = 7.2MHz I2: 1 = 10 kHz; 2 = 20 kHz; 3 = 45 kHz; 4 = 100 kHz; 5 = 200 kHz; 6 = 420kHz; 7 = 700kHz; 8 = 1.2MHz; 9 = 3.5MHz; 10 = 6.0MHz

Moreover, they have input gain selectable 1x or 5x Then, we have the detector offset And one gain parameter at the output of the regulator.

gkasprow commented 9 months ago

Do you have any idea what such PI^2D^3 regulator architecture should look like? We have two differentiators, three integrators and one proportional term. We can arrange them in several ways. For example, classical PID, then I, then ID or reverse order. What is used in the labs to compensate for very high bandwidth loops?

sbourdeauducq commented 9 months ago

Do you have any idea what such PI^2D^3 regulator architecture should look like?

@jordens @hartytp Would you have some good ideas about this?

hartytp commented 9 months ago

Not off the top of my head, no. Sorry.

jordens commented 9 months ago

I haven't worked on these analog implementations beyond textbook PID.

gkasprow commented 9 months ago

An example transfer function could help

jordens commented 9 months ago

Again, I haven't used anything analog beyond PID, so I can only speculate: about one to two decades per behavior, as in the values you quote

One can speculate whether an analog design can actually achieve high-fidelity I³ behavior at relevant frequencies in practice.

Other transfer functions like notches, gain limits (I and D), and MIMO controllers might be much more interesting in practice than high order I/D.

In the absence of proper requirements, specifications, etc this is all wild speculation.

gkasprow commented 9 months ago

I found in a few papers that use FALC pro that the integrators are not unlimited. There is one unlimited integrator but as an additional circuit. Essentially FALC Pro is a tunable filter where you can switch two hipass and three lowpass circuits. It's not real PI3D2 controller. The first stage is limited PID but two other stages are just lowpass and highpass correction filters which act on top of the original characteristics and can be switched off. I have this box as a part of coherent 729 laser in my ion trap setup. Some day I will connect it to the VNA.

jordens commented 9 months ago

One potentially new idea would be to use a handful of those fast analog multipliers and slow accurate dacs and then implement the biquad equation in analog. With s/h or t/h or effective "s" elements for delay. I'm not aware of any existing attempt to do this. Might do three orders of magnitude in gains and would be fast and flexible. Could also be tuned in the field for DAC/multiplier imperfections using various algorithms.

gkasprow commented 9 months ago

That's an interesting approach. And use coax delay lines or discrete delay lines?

jordens commented 9 months ago

As mentioned, it's not immediately clear to me whether sample/hold or track/hold or a continuous delay or something else (e.g. capacitor+opamp or inductor-based 's' transfer function element) is best here. A 10 ns S/H as delay element might already be fine.