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[RFC]: Current source #23

Closed hartytp closed 4 years ago

hartytp commented 5 years ago

Something I've had a lot of questions about recently is an ARTIQ/Sinara current source:


dhslichter commented 5 years ago

I think modularity is key. An EEM for current stabilization based on the current Oxford design would be excellent. I would suggest we not try to make an EEM that provides an actual current source, since these will be challenging engineering to make low noise and keep within power and space constraints in a Eurocard rack, and existing programmable commercial ones with good performance and compact size can be had quite cheaply. My two cents. We can always come back and try to implement our own current sources if it feels necessary later on.

gkasprow commented 5 years ago

We can make it low cost with Kasli serving as FPGA resource or slightly higher cost with dedicated FPGA from Xilinx or Lattice. But this also means additional work on programming interface. Shall this module control external current source with dedicated interface? Aren't we trying to invent ADC + DAC module which we talked earlier? With external shunt and external current modulator, we are essentially converging to general purpose ADC + DAC module :)

hartytp commented 5 years ago

I would suggest we not try to make an EEM that provides an actual current source, since these will be challenging engineering to make low noise and keep within power and space constraints in a Eurocard rack, and existing programmable commercial ones with good performance and compact size can be had quite cheaply.

@dhslichter For the typical ions requirement -- producing a constant current of 100A or so -- I'd agree with you.

The EEM programmable current supply is more directed at neutral atom experiments. The key difference there being that they want to do things like ramp their current from 0A to 10A reasonably fast. I'm assuming that the current shunt/modulation transistors will only draw a few hundred mA or so, so large modulations require the main current source to be modulated as well. This in turn requires that the main current source can be modulated from Kasli with decent bandwidth. Hence the requirement to build an EEM current source as well. That EEM current source doesn't need to be particularly low-noise since it's cleaned up by the current stabiliser module, so the design is relatively straightforwards.

My thinking is that we have two modules: a current stabilisation module, containing the sense resistor, loop filter and ADC; and a current source module with a programmable current source, as well as the stabilisation DAC + transistor. The DAC on the current source module is controlled by the stabilisation board.

hartytp commented 5 years ago

Anyway, it would be good to have some input from the neutrals guys on what they need/how they'd like to see it implemented...

hartytp commented 5 years ago

We can make it low cost with Kasli serving as FPGA resource or slightly higher cost with dedicated FPGA from Xilinx or Lattice.

For 1MSPS ADCs + DAC, this can be done on a decent microprocessor.

But this also means additional work on programming interface.

Yes, creating a decent programming interface (e.g. nice ways of recording traces for step response measurements, ways of programming complex loop filters etc) would be a large fraction of the work. If they're interested, this could be something that M-Labs could be funded to do.

Shall this module control external current source with dedicated interface?

As I said, I currently imagine two modules: a general purpose current stabilisation module, which measures the current, and has a digital loop filter, with a digital output that controls a DAC + bypass transistor; and, a separate current supply, which could either be some COST box or a separate EEM, depending on the experiment.

Aren't we trying to invent ADC + DAC module which we talked earlier? With external shunt and external current modulator, we are essentially converging to general purpose ADC + DAC module :)

Close, but there are some differences.

Firstly, the ADC + DAC module would probably be a general purpose module without an AFE. However, to achieve the noise/stability levels we need requires a carefully designed AFE (see our paper).

Secondly, and related, the resolution required for many experiments is better than 16 bits. That's why we chose a topology with two cascaded DACs with a gain stage in between. i.e. we have a "coarse" DAC that sets the range and a "fine" DAC that controls the set point. The 16 bit ADC would be placed after set-point subtraction and amplification; a general purpose board with simple AFE and a 16-bit ADC wouldn't be nearly good enough.

Thirdly, we need a specialist 4-terminal current sense resistor for this, while the ADC + DAC board would just measure voltages. The sense resistor could be placed on an external PCB, but then one has to be really careful about grounding/pickup/thermal management/etc.

Finally, the overall topology in terms of connections for the ADCs and DACs is a bit specialist here. It could be done with a general purpose board, but things would end up being a bit of a mess. This is a common enough use-case that it's worth having a dedicated design for it.

dhslichter commented 5 years ago

@hartytp why are we worried about building current sources for neutral atom experiments? I think they should make their own designs if and when they decide that ARTIQ is what they want to use, it just seems like this is a very low priority task for us right now. Let them take the lead here.

Current stabilization for ion trap quantization fields is certainly something that would be nice to make an EEM for. I agree that it's something fancier than one might want to do with a "general purpose" DAC + ADC board.

hartytp commented 5 years ago

I think they should make their own designs if and when they decide that ARTIQ is what they want to use

At least a few groups in the neutral community are already using ARTIQ + Sinara.

I've been asked about current sources by a few people recently, both from the ions and neutrals community, some of who have spoken indenpendently to @gkasprow.

The intention of this post is just to provide a starting point for a conversation about what the different potential users of this current source would need. While I'd love to see the "stabilisation" EEM developed (we'd keep using Agilent high-current PSUs instead of developing an EEM current source), we're overcommitted at the moment hardware design wise and aren't likely to fund/lead the design of this in the foreseeable future.

dhslichter commented 5 years ago

@hartytp ack. I would encourage the relevant neutral atom groups to come and comment on this post -- can you tag appropriate people? It would be good to involve more people in the hardware specification process, particularly for boards they find themselves interested in having.

hartytp commented 5 years ago

Yes, that's the intention. Have a little patience while we coordinate, we're not in a rush for this design afaict.

dhslichter commented 5 years ago

I am totally patient here, sorry if it comes across otherwise! I just wanted to suggest we not spend bandwidth on this until the right lead person comes along.

we36sussex commented 5 years ago


Firstly, we just wanted to introduce ourselves as we’ve been in the shadows for a while. We’re a group of neutral atom trappers from the University of Sussex and have purchased a number of ARTIQ systems for controlling experiments in our lab. I am a PhD student in the group and am working with two postdocs, Mark Bason and Tom Barrett.

In terms of current sources, we are in the process of developing low-noise atom chip drivers, something which would be relevant to many neutral atom groups, and low-noise coil drivers for residual field compensation. There are a number of existing designs we have looked at, Erickson, Libbrecht-Hall, Dudzik, but we were interested to see if there are any plans for ARTIQ/Sinara designs.

For the atom chip drivers that we’re interested in: Current range 0 to 20 A Each channel independent PID control with < mA precision Ability to ramp 0 – max in < 1 ms Fast-switching, switch off in < 100 μs Integrated into EEM/Kasli hardware Modular approach - drive several channels from one supply Preferably using a sense resistor over current sensors ~ £ 500 Explicit analogue control as an option

For low current field compensation coil drivers: Current range 0-100 mA and 0-3 A Each channel independent PID control with high precision Independent current sources for each channel Bandwidth DC – 10 KHz Integrated into EEM/Kasli hardware Feedback signal from a sense resistor

We would also be interested in the current stabilisation circuit for external power supplies that Tom has described above for higher currents.

From the comments above it looks as though it would be possible to design a range of current drivers in the Eurocard standard. We would be interested in financially contributing to such a project, could you give us some details about how that might work in practise and what sort of structures other projects have taken?

hartytp commented 5 years ago

Hi @we36sussex! Thanks for joining the conversation.

At a high-level, I think there are two approaches we can take here for lower currents (say, 20A or less):

  1. design a few different ultra low-noise/drift current sources covering different I/V ranges. Each circuit would have to incorporate a sense element + feedback components. Call this the monolithic approach.
  2. design a single ultra-low noise stabilisation circuit as one EEM and combine that with relatively cheap current source EEMs (e.g. IC SMPSs with some LC filtering) to give ultra-low noise performance at different I/V levels. Call this the modular approach.

The stabilisation circuit would probably have a 4-terminal resistor as its input allowing to either be used to measure Amp-level currents directly, or to be combined with a current transducer for higher currents. By choosing an appropriate sense resistor + optional transducer, the same stabilisation circuit (with different loop filter settings) could be used for essentially any current level.

For currents above about >20A the modular approach (probably combined with an off-the shelf high-current PSU) is probably the only sensible approach.

We would be interested in financially contributing to such a project,


could you give us some details about how that might work in practise and what sort of structures other projects have taken?

Absolutely. @gkasprow is the person to speak to about hardware designs and @sbourdeauducq/@jordens about the software. I'm happy to talk about our experiences -- just email me.

jordens commented 5 years ago

@we36sussex The way this can work depends a lot on what structure you are looking for in terms of project management. Let me know if you would like advice on that. Independent from that you should start with the lobbying and the use case analysis to maximize the value of the specification by getting as many users behind it as possible while not making it too complicated. AFAICS this won't be easy here because the the design will look different for each decade of full scale current. And there are users covering at least 3 decades (100 mA shim coils to 100 A neutral transport/trap/Feshbach).

dtcallcock commented 5 years ago

With external shunt and external current modulator, we are essentially converging to general purpose ADC + DAC module :)

It could be done with a general purpose board, but things would end up being a bit of a mess. This is a common enough use-case that it's worth having a dedicated design for it.

@hartytp I disagree as this is how we implemented your board at NIST and it works really well (see below). Therefore I would just focus resources on making a general purpose digital lock box (which Sinara sorely lacks), and make the current sense board a modular add on. This is how we use the Oxford board at NIST:

img_2931 copy

The Oxford board has everything other than the analog front end and error subtraction circuitry stripped off of it. The only digital part of the Oxford board left is the pair of offset subtraction DACs. We just talk to these over a USB-SPI adaptor as they only rarely need changing. SPI over RJ45 would be a convenient way of doing this from a Kasli. The 'lockbox' is the usual NIST FPGA-based unit. We feedback directly to a voltage control input on the PSU. This could also be a small current shunt board between the outputs of a commercial PSU or a Eurocard PSU interfaced digitally with the lock box. We inject our 60Hz feedforward directly into the lockbox (you could do the same with ramps etc.).

Another reason to do it this way is that it avoids bringing the coil (or sense) current up to the Eurocard rack and back. Long leads and electrical noise in the Eurocard chassis could be an issue. For those who really want the current sense board in the Eurocard chassis though, it would be simple to make a bracket for it (it'll be a small board - 2"x2" or so).

hartytp commented 5 years ago

@dtcallcock That's another way to go, which I would be happy with. If we go that way, I'd prefer to have a single EEM with, say, 2xADC and 2xDAC and a microprocessor/FPGA rather than bolting together something like Sampler+Fastino+Kasli.

Anything sensible along those lines would be a very welcome addition to Sinara as far as I'm concerned.

gkasprow commented 5 years ago

Why we need another FPGA?:) Cannot the algorithm be implemented in Kasli?

hartytp commented 5 years ago

Why we need another FPGA?:) Cannot the algorithm be implemented in Kasli?

Maybe that's the right way to go. Some things to consider are:

Anyway, just some thoughts, so long as this is sensibly implemented I don't mind how it's done.

niwotongzai commented 5 years ago

Hello, @we36sussex has given a very detail explanation for the requirements of typical neutral atom experiments. I have read the paper of Oxford ion group (arxiv 1808.03310), and the excellent noise reduction and stability is enough for us. At first, we want a current source in a single EEM card that can be controlled with Kasli. But @dtcallcock David's idea is also acceptable. And it'll be better to integrate the 60Hz feed forward and current setpoint into one board.

hartytp commented 5 years ago

@dtcallcock one thing about this diagram:

Depending on how many mains harmonics one wants to take out, what loop filter bandwidth and order one has, etc one might prefer to have a separate modulator (i.e. one that modulates the coil current, but not the current seen by the current sensor) to do the FF rather than modulating the lock set-point.

we36sussex commented 5 years ago

We would prefer to take up the monolithic approach, the very high precision circuit for high currents might be of interest further along the line.

We are trying to avoid using a large racks of commercial power supplies so would like to develop a set of standalone EEM current sources for 0-150 mA, 0-3 A and 0-15 A which can be programmed from a Kasli. An end atom-chip system may contain something like 10 x 15 A, 10 x 3 A, 4 x 0-150 mA.

This would look like the Erikson (mentioned above) circuit but with DACs for PID control and an option between a programmable digital set point and input analogue set point. Would it be enough to have a microprocessor/FPGA on board here with DAC values updated from the Kasli?

To limit the number of EEM slots used would it be possible to have these addressed and the SPI bus daisy chained together in racks? It would also be helpful to have multiple channels on a single card (e.g. 1 x 15 A, 4 x 3 A, 8 x 150 mA) providing appropriate heat sinking fits.

We have a prototype Erikson PCB, a low-noise Twinleaf power supply, Agilent 6671A and a cheap SMPS which we which we will characterise over the coming weeks.

hartytp commented 5 years ago

@we36sussex FYI: we've decided to move forward with the "modular approach" to this, meaning:

hartytp commented 5 years ago

Finished our version of this and posted here

we36sussex commented 5 years ago

That looks great, thanks for the heads up.

We're doing some final testing on our updated board too and would like to try interfacing that with the stabilizer once that's available . It would be a good opportunity for us to do a comparison so we will keep an eye out for any testing.