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VHDCI_carrier as a SCSI breakout #533

Closed hartytp closed 6 years ago

hartytp commented 6 years ago


jordens commented 6 years ago

Could you delineate this from the alternatives: DRTIO, multiple core devices?

A backplane to vhdci adapter would be fitting and simple. The other parts are already there.

hartytp commented 6 years ago

DRTIO, multiple core devices?

Those alternatives can work in some cases, but this is more targeting cases where one wants to keep the devices directly connected to a single FPGA. e.g. for NU-servo, it's convenient to only have both the ADCs and DDSs connecting to the FPGA that runs the servo loop gateware.

A backplane to vhdci adapter would be fitting and simple. The other parts are already there.

How does that help? The aim here is to allow the Sampler and Urukul to be located up to 10m from Kasli, while still running the servo gateware on a single PC. An EEM<->SCSI adapter seems like a nice solution for this.

jordens commented 6 years ago

DIN 41612 to VHDCI, mounted into the rear panel, VHDCI cable, VHDCI carrier, and connect the two Samplers to it. The only thing missing is the power supply.

jordens commented 6 years ago

Maybe you can even use the vhdci carrier the other way round at the kasli end of the vhdci cable as well.

hartytp commented 6 years ago

Yes that's exactly the plan: vhdci carrier at each end. No new hw needed.

Everything should work apart from i2c but that's already on the to fix list for the vhdci carrier next revision.

jordens commented 6 years ago

Ack. Then I misunderstood. And for the loopback test you can even use the same carrier twice.

hartytp commented 6 years ago

Again that's the plan. Sorry the above was hastily written as a note to self and not clear.

Plan is to use a pair of DIO to check the lvds receivers are okay with the signal at one end And the fpga is okay with the signal at the other.

gkasprow commented 6 years ago

I tested DIO -> VHDCI carrier -> SCSI cable -> vhdci carrier -> DIO. Did not notice any issues above 100MHz. The cable was 2m.

gkasprow commented 6 years ago

The MLVDS drivers are much stronger than FPGA ones. So it works well with DIO but does not have to work with FPGA which has only 4mA LVDS current

hartytp commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the reminder Greg. I want to go kasli->VHDCI carrier->10m scsi->vhdci carrier->bnc DIO->bnc->bnc->bnc dio->vhdci carrier (all from here are the same components that we're used before) -> scsi->vhdci carrier -> Kasli.

That tests both eem to Kasli transmission and Kasli to eem. Can test with two fast busses at different frequencies in each direction to give an aggressive crosstalk test.

Just needs components I have in the lab and a handful of lines of migen.