Currently WeiboSDK cannot be built as Cocoa Touch Framework and imported as module into a Swift Xcode Project.
This would have the advantage, that developers who are only familiar with Swift and not with Objective-C can see the header in the automatically generated Swift syntax.
If you try to build WeiboSDK as Cocoa Touch Framework and import it as module in a Swift Xcode Project, you get compiler errors that can easily be fixed:
Include of non-modular header inside framework module 'MyCoreFramework': '/Pods/Headers/Public/WeiboSDK/WeiboSDK.h'
Include of non-modular header inside framework module 'MyCoreFramework': '/Pods/Headers/Public/WeiboSDK/WeiboUser.h'
The problem is that WeiboSDK.h and WeiboUser.h imports some headers.
Currently WeiboSDK cannot be built as Cocoa Touch Framework and imported as module into a Swift Xcode Project.
This would have the advantage, that developers who are only familiar with Swift and not with Objective-C can see the header in the automatically generated Swift syntax.
If you try to build WeiboSDK as Cocoa Touch Framework and import it as module in a Swift Xcode Project, you get compiler errors that can easily be fixed:
The problem is that WeiboSDK.h and WeiboUser.h imports some headers.
Please check a related issue: