sindresorhus / Actions

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Action proposal: get location of the closest point of interest to a given location #86

Open codetheweb opened 1 year ago

codetheweb commented 1 year ago


Use case: I live in San Fransisco and frequently use a bike sharing program called Bay Wheels. However, the bike racks are sometimes hard to spot, and when biking to a new destination it's hard to know if you should stop at the first rack you see (even if it's farther away) or continue biking in the hope there's a rack closer.

Apple Maps lists Bay Wheels bike racks, so it's possible to get directions to a rack. I'd like to make a shortcut that given a destination finds the closest bike rack to it and starts directions to the rack.

Although there's a way to search for something around a location within a given radius, there doesn't seem to be an easy way to just get the closest [thing] to a location.

Some workarounds are discussed here, but they're all rather clunky.

If this is something you're interested in supporting, I'm happy to work towards a PR for it.

sindresorhus commented 1 year ago

By "thing", do you mean "point of interest"?

Instead of returning the address, how about it returns a new location? You can then use a different action to get the formatted address. I think that would make it more flexible.

codetheweb commented 1 year ago

By "thing", do you mean "point of interest"?

I think so, wasn't sure what the correct terminology was.

Instead of returning the address, how about it returns a new location? You can then use a different action to get the formatted address. I think that would make it more flexible.

Yep that sounds good!