CLIENT ERROR: TUINSRemoteViewController does not override -viewServiceDidTerminateWithError: and thus cannot react to catastrophic errors beyond logging them #188
Xcode 16
MacBook Pro 2023 (M2 Pro)
macOS 14.6.1
Full Disk Access, Screen and Audio recording, and Input Monitor permissions granted
Hi I'm trying to incorporate keyboard shortcuts with my app. I want a global keyboard shortcut for taking a screenshot then doing LaTex-OCR on it. The app does not give any bugs except every time I remove the keyboard shortcut it gives me the above / following error twice:
CLIENT ERROR: TUINSRemoteViewController does not override -viewServiceDidTerminateWithError: and thus cannot react to catastrophic errors beyond logging them
and one instance of the following fault:
FAULT: <NSRemoteView: 0x107d11f80 TUICursorUIViewService> determined it was necessary to configure <TUINSWindow: 0x107d0d2a0> to support remote view vibrancy
Xcode 16 MacBook Pro 2023 (M2 Pro) macOS 14.6.1 Full Disk Access, Screen and Audio recording, and Input Monitor permissions granted
Hi I'm trying to incorporate keyboard shortcuts with my app. I want a global keyboard shortcut for taking a screenshot then doing LaTex-OCR on it. The app does not give any bugs except every time I remove the keyboard shortcut it gives me the above / following error twice:
and one instance of the following fault: