sindresorhus / Settings

⚙ Add a settings window to your macOS app in minutes
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WIP: Fix preferences window not appearing when the content views are not using auto-layout #28

Closed SamusAranX closed 4 years ago

SamusAranX commented 5 years ago

This is an attempt to fix #9, specifically the part where the preference window doesn't show up.

I tried to fix this by using viewController.view.bounds.size in cases where viewController.view.fittingSize is .zero and caching the resulting value. Without the cache, both bounds.size and fittingSize become .zero later on, which would cause problems.

SamusAranX commented 5 years ago

Oh yeah, this also means that users don't have to set self.preferredContentSize themselves. I previously suggested this as a band-aid in

SamusAranX commented 5 years ago

Merging this PR should probably have to wait until #26 has been merged. This PR still has some issues that could be fixed more easily then.

DivineDominion commented 5 years ago

Looking forward to testing this when the others are merged :)

sindresorhus commented 5 years ago

Merging this PR should probably have to wait until #26 has been merged.

26 is merged.

SamusAranX commented 5 years ago

~Phew, this took way too long.~ I think I fixed all the remaining issues. In my local testing, everything works with the exception of a small animation glitch: animation That might just be my weird Auto Layout setup though, so YMMV.

I would have squashed the commits on my end, but I accidentally nuked my repository once before. I hope GitHub gives you the option of squashing this PR on merge.

sindresorhus commented 5 years ago

Using this PR, if I disable auto-layout in interface builder for GeneralPreferenceViewController.xib and AdvancedPreferenceViewController.xib, it now correctly show the preferences window, and switching between view work. However, it no longer animates in the view. Now it just shows the views directly with no animation.

SamusAranX commented 5 years ago

Another thing I noticed is that the "Switch preference style" button will cause the example app to crash without writing anything to the error log. Any idea why that could happen?

Here's the crash reason. I don't think I'm up to the task of fixing this.

Termination Reason:    DYLD, [0x4] Symbol missing

Dyld Error Message:
  Symbol not found: _$s11Preferences0A16WindowControllerC15preferencePanes5style8animatedACSayAA14PreferencePane_pG_AA0A5StyleOSbtcfC
  Referenced from: /Users/USER/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Preferences-chbqhxqmtqgxidbbpgpukucdvrqm/Build/Products/Debug/
  Expected in: /Users/USER/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Preferences-gwqlpraenvjtwsgxahxalmfcujxq/Build/Products/Debug/Preferences.framework/Versions/A/Preferences
SamusAranX commented 5 years ago

Like with most other things in Xcode, deleting the DerivedData directory got rid of that error. welp 🤷‍♂

On my end, the animations are missing as well, regardless of whether Auto Layout is disabled or not. Additionally, when changing tabs for the first time after opening the window, the disappearing view controller slides out of the window: animationglitch I'm not sure what happens here.

Might I suggest removing animations altogether? While they look and feel nice when they work, they also seem to break in interesting ways in situations where the layout of views and view controllers is modified directly. And while you're right that there's no unified standard for preference windows, the behavior of the animation-less example window matches that of Finder and Safari's preference windows.

DivineDominion commented 5 years ago

That's an interesting crash, and weird app behavior. Which macOS version are you on? I remember that I disabled the animated flag for non-Mojave build because the calculations were off even worse.

SamusAranX commented 5 years ago

I'm on 10.14.5. I don't think the app crash was actually related to any code in this repository, my Xcode project just somehow got mangled. Deleting and re-cloning it fixed it.

DivineDominion commented 5 years ago

Ok. So the latest GIF you posted is how things look consistently on your machine now?

Might I suggest removing animations altogether? While they look and feel nice when they work, they also seem to break in interesting ways in situations where the layout of views and view controllers is modified directly. And while you're right that there's no unified standard for preference windows, the behavior of the animation-less example window matches that of Finder and Safari's preference windows.

Your GIF's look matches what I see in e.g. Finder preferences: the window frame animates, the contents just appear suddenly. Do you want to suggest a change to this, or is this already the desired behavior and you suggest getting rid of the setting?

SamusAranX commented 5 years ago

Yeah, it's how things look on my machine now. That's with the changes I made though, the version currently available in this repository will probably look different.

I haven't removed animations in my version yet. The animations breaking are just a side effect of my code changes, hence why I suggested removing them. Attempting to fight Auto Layout to get animations will only lead to pain.

Another thing that's probably hard to spot: When the GIF's animation restarts and I switch away from the Advanced tab, you can see the "Advanced" label animate downwards out of the window frame for a split second. That's another animation bug.

sindresorhus commented 5 years ago

Your GIF's look matches what I see in e.g. Finder preferences: the window frame animates, the contents just appear suddenly.

I agree. That's how it should work.

In master:

What we should change it to:

@SamusAranX Can you remove the content fade-slide animation? That should fix all the current issues, right?

SamusAranX commented 5 years ago

It should fix the issues, but I don't even know how I managed to make the example project behave like it did in the GIF in the first place 😅 When I opened and ran the example project just now, I couldn't reproduce the behavior.

Also, I can't get the two view controllers to hide themselves during the resizing animation. I'm not that familiar with the animation system on macOS.

DivineDominion commented 5 years ago

Just an idea to toy with: maybe it helps to resize the window and in the completion handler of the window resize animation replace the view controllers, but not earlier.

sindresorhus commented 5 years ago

Just an idea to toy with: maybe it helps to resize the window and in the completion handler of the window resize animation replace the view controllers, but not earlier.

@SamusAranX Could you try that?

SamusAranX commented 5 years ago

It's the final few exam weeks where I am, so I'm kind of out of time 😅 I'll get to it as soon as I can though!

SamusAranX commented 4 years ago

I finally found the time to mess around some more. Now (as of commit 90e400f in my fork), the preferences window works as I expect it to: tabs

The latest merge of master into my branch breaks it though, because PreferencePane's viewController property was removed. I was relying on that to cache window measurements.

sindresorhus commented 4 years ago

because PreferencePane's viewController property was removed

It was removed as it's moot. The PreferencePane protocol is now guaranteed to be a NSViewController. So instead of using .viewController, you can just use self.

SamusAranX commented 4 years ago

Sorry for the force push, I messed up my commits halfway through and had to get rid of them.

Commit da9ebc1 attempts to fix view controller opacity animations by explicitly setting .wantsLayer = true on their views so the optional chain right afterwards always has a layer to work with. Instead of trying to find a completion handler that runs after the window frame animation ends, I just used DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter with a delay of 250ms, since the animation takes roughly that long. In practice, there's no visible difference.

I also tried making it so that enabling Reduce Motion in the Accessibility panel disables the animation altogether, but I couldn't find a way to query the state of that setting programmatically. A project for another day, perhaps.

DivineDominion commented 4 years ago

In the example app, I think the content animation makes sense the way it looks with your changes. Can you check on the segmented control implementation, though? Its position animates in a very jumpy way now.

Screen captures here:

SamusAranX commented 4 years ago

I've noticed that even with the regular toolbar style. It seems the toolbar's width isn't updated continuously while animating. Honestly, I'm not sure how much of this is in the code and how much of it is the OS's doing. I'm also not sure if this is something I can fix. The segmented control implementation already went way over my head.

lwouis commented 4 years ago

Hi everyone! It seems this PR was going well but then activity stopped. Is this work abandoned? Cheers!

sindresorhus commented 4 years ago

Closing as this is not moving forward and the PR fork has been deleted.