sindresorhus / ama

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How fast do you type? #128

Closed robbbz closed 9 years ago

robbbz commented 9 years ago :wink:

If you don't want to share, no problem, I'm not really interested in your personal score. This is more the question: do you think it makes sense as programmer to be able to type fast?

AchoArnold commented 9 years ago

I actually like that game. :+1:

sindresorhus commented 9 years ago

73 WPM. I'm not a fast typist, but that doesn't matter. What you type is what matters. You should want to type as little as possible. The more you type, the more bugs you introduce. I use most of my time thinking. The typing part is easy and don't take very long.

nickedes commented 9 years ago


goforgold commented 9 years ago


thenyel commented 9 years ago

on point!!!

stefek99 commented 9 years ago

73 is actually quite a stunt... I just tried: 53, my friend: 50...

50% improvement at these type of speeds is huge!