sindresorhus / ama

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How do you pay living costs during funemployment? #383

Closed lukechilds closed 8 years ago

lukechilds commented 8 years ago

From your blog:

Currently, I’m funemployed traveling around Southeast Asia doing open source. Say hi if you’re around!

Did you save up funds beforehand? Stop every now and then to do a bit of freelance work?

I'm currently considering doing something similar, any advice would be appreciated 😄

sindresorhus commented 8 years ago

Yes, I saved up some money, which I'm still living off. Money last longer in Southeast Asia than in Norway, and the UK too I assume. I plan on doing some freelance work when I need money again. Would definitely recommend doing it! Don't overthink it, just do it. Happy to answer any specific questions you might be having.

lukechilds commented 8 years ago

Thanks, I definitely think I will, it's more a matter of when than if as I'm kind of tied up in some big projects at work at the moment.

What does an average day involve? Would you say you spend the majority of your time coding in a hotel room or being outside exploring?

sindresorhus commented 8 years ago

Depends on whether I'm traveling. When traveling, like I'm doing at the moment (currently in Vietnam), I explore outside, especially trying out the local food, and I try to force myself to meet up with people. In the middle of the day I usually sit in coffee shops as it's very hot outside. When not traveling, I can be spotted in various coffee shops around Bangkok, hacking on some open source projects.

lukechilds commented 8 years ago

Awesome, thanks 👍

I may come back here if I have some more specific questions.

lukechilds commented 8 years ago

I've been doing a bit more research on this and I think I've decided on Chiang Mai. They have some pretty cool coworking spaces which I think would be good as I was kind of worried about getting a bit lonely.

Is there any reason you prefer coffee shops over coworking spaces? Also any reason you prefer Bangkok in particular?

sindresorhus commented 8 years ago

Chiang Mai is a great choice. Fast internet, many coworking spaces, cheap living expenses, and nice nature. I personally prefer coffee shops over coworking spaces as they have better coffee and I can get some variation in scenery by trying out different coffee shops. And there's something about the background noise of people chatting in coffee shops that makes me more productive. Bangkok is an awesome city; Enormous selection of food options, always some events happening, lots of great cinemas, coffee shops, etc, but it's also huge, noisy and expensive compared to Chiang Mai. I think both are worth trying out. I want to live in Chiang Mai at some point too.

lukechilds commented 7 years ago

Hey man, I arrived in Bangkok last night! 🎉

I'm doing some traveling with a friend for a month or so first and then I'm gonna crack on with some work. We've got kayaking booked near Phuket in a few days so we need to get down there and I'd rather store my laptop and a few other tech bits somewhere secure whilst traveling.

Have you used any secure storage in Bangkok or anywhere else in Thailand? Heard any recommendations of somewhere good? I found but the reviews don't fill me with confidence. Any info would be a great help.

sindresorhus commented 7 years ago

@lukechilds Sorry, don't really know. I've never had a need for that. I just traveled around with my laptop. Most hostels have a place you can lock in your valuables. Have fun kayaking! :)

lukechilds commented 7 years ago

No probs, thanks!