sindresorhus / ama

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Have you tried jsblocks? #438

Closed solancer closed 7 years ago

solancer commented 7 years ago

Is it really faster than React?

SamVerschueren commented 7 years ago

I haven't used it but just wanted to chime in here. I never heard of it before so I went to the website and noticed the performance graphs. I even downloaded the zip file to see what's in there. I highly doubt that the chart is even correct. First of all, they used Angular 1 to do the benchmarks. Second of all, they didn't do any of the production optimisation tricks like ahead of time compilation (I think it's called template compilation in React). Benchmarks are easily tricked, I wonder how good it scales and performs in a real world example. Just my 2 cents...

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sindresorhus commented 7 years ago

I haven't tried it and I don't think I will. Frameworks don't excite me, so if I need one, I'll just go with something proven like Vue or React. I'm too doubtful about the performance claims, and it seems we're not alone: