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Thoughts on semantic-release and Greenkeeper #511

Open pvdlg opened 6 years ago

pvdlg commented 6 years ago

Hello Sindre!

I'm a maintainer on semantic-release. semantic-release automate the release process: make sure the tests are passing, parse the commit to determine the type of release, publish on npm, generate the release notes, create a git tag, create a release on Github.

As you maintain a large amount of repositories, I'd love to have your thoughts on a tool like semantic-release, in particular:

On the subject of repository maintenance and automation, I saw your tweet on Greenkeeper :-) Have you tried it since the 2.0 release ? It is a lot less noisy now as it opens PR only for major releases of your dependencies and silently tests that minor/patch releases do not break your build.

CodeMan99 commented 6 years ago

It seems like semantic-release and np have similar goals?