Closed meeeesz closed 9 years ago
Whatever the antonym of manage is, that's what I'm doing. I have a lot of passion and things I want to build, so my relationship with time and todo lists is "It's complicated".
I use the Notes app on my iPhone/Mac for my note needs; ideas, braindumps, and stuff. I use the Reminders app for more concrete actions I need or would like to do. In Reminders, I have the following lists: Hacking, Real life, Travel, Someday, Shopping list. I also have a lot of tabs open in Chrome with current projects and things I'm doing. I don't think I've seen the favicons in months. I'm a single-threaded multi-tasker, meaning I tend to start working on a lot of things, but I can really only finish things if I focus on one thing at the time. I also have a lot of Sublime Text tabs open for similar reasons.
When it comes to managing real life, I probably spend way too much time on the computer. I try to force myself to be social, go outside, gym, etc, and it's nice when I do it, but it's hard to convince myself beforehand. Being an INTP doesn't exactly help. Sometimes I wish I could just stop time for a decade, so I could get through my todo list, but in reality, it's an infinite source of ideas and work. I'll just have to prioritize. That's how I manage.
Do you have a gigantic todo list? Use evernote or something similar?