sindresorhus / atom-editorconfig

Helps developers maintain consistent coding styles between different editors
MIT License
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there is not a 🐭 in the status bar #110

Closed luiscobot closed 7 years ago

luiscobot commented 7 years ago

instead of a 🐭, there is a letter 'A'

package json users luisco dropbox dev bicalma 2016-10-20 13-31-18

florianb commented 7 years ago

Hi @unluisco -- this is very sad. We implemented the :mouse: as font which gets delivered as part of the package. It seems you are currently the only person where it doesn't work which let me assume something went wrong during the installation of the package.

To search for bugs you could open the developer console and look out for any errors addressing the fonts. But i guess it would be a god idea to reinstall the package first (apm uninstall editorconfig; apm install editorconfig) and have a look if this fixes it.

scttcper commented 7 years ago

I also had the letter 'A' along with the issue in #109 will try reinstalling.

Edit: reinstalled and relaunched. No change.

florianb commented 7 years ago

Okay -- thanks for the hint @scttcper!

@unluisco may i ask you to post a list of your installed packages?

dannyfritz commented 7 years ago

I also have the A

If I change it to the actual emoji rather than the escape sequence it works.

screen shot 2016-10-20 at 13 42 04
battaglr commented 7 years ago

I also have the A. Having an option to remove this is something you guys would consider adding?

florianb commented 7 years ago

Thanks @dannyfritz, @battaglr -- could you please post a list of the active packages and if this is displayed wrong in every filetype you're trying to edit? Thanks in advance!

florianb commented 7 years ago

@dannyfritz: the mouse is implemented as font, the escape-sequence is the character-code of the symbol. It is colored after the state of editorconfig for the current file.

@battaglr: This could be considered i guess i will open a discuss-issue for that.

torifat commented 7 years ago

Changing atom-editorconfig to editorconfig worked for me.

$ apm --version
apm  1.12.5
npm  3.10.5
node 4.4.5
python 2.7.12
git 2.10.1
@font-face {
    font-family: 'Atom Editorconfig';
-   src: url('atom://atom-editorconfig/fonts/Atom-Editorconfig.eot');
+   src: url('atom://editorconfig/fonts/Atom-Editorconfig.eot');
-   src:    url('atom://atom-editorconfig/fonts/Atom-Editorconfig.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
+   src:    url('atom://editorconfig/fonts/Atom-Editorconfig.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
-           url('atom://atom-editorconfig/fonts/Atom-Editorconfig.woff') format('woff'),
+           url('atom://editorconfig/fonts/Atom-Editorconfig.woff') format('woff'),
-           url('atom://atom-editorconfig/fonts/Atom-Editorconfig.ttf') format('truetype'),
+           url('atom://editorconfig/fonts/Atom-Editorconfig.ttf') format('truetype'),
-           url('atom://atom-editorconfig/fonts/Atom-Editorconfig.svg#Atom-Editorconfig') format('svg');
+           url('atom://editorconfig/fonts/Atom-Editorconfig.svg#Atom-Editorconfig') format('svg');
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;
florianb commented 7 years ago

Thank you @torifat you are right, the path is wrong - i will prepare a patch (and reduce then to a single woff, too)!

luiscobot commented 7 years ago

that's the solution 👍 thanks

florianb commented 7 years ago

I recently published 1.5.3 which should fix this issue. I'd appreciate if anybody could confirm that it's working.

torifat commented 7 years ago

@florianb working 👍

florianb commented 7 years ago

Thanks everybody and sorry for the inconveniences! 💝