sindresorhus / atom-editorconfig

Helps developers maintain consistent coding styles between different editors
MIT License
812 stars 80 forks source link

indent_size = 0 breaks atom #132

Closed forivall closed 7 years ago

forivall commented 7 years ago

With indent_size = 0 (was with eclint infer), opening up a .js file will cause this error message to appear:

screen shot 2016-11-01 at 5 12 36 pm

Involved .editorconfig-files

root = true

end_of_line = lf
indent_style = tab
indent_size = 0
charset = utf-8
trim_trailing_whitespace = true
insert_final_newline = true

Directory structure

├── .DS_Store
├── .editorconfig
├── .gitignore
├── .npmignore
├── Makefile
├── bin
│   └── tap-nunit
├── index.js
├── package.json
├── test
│   ├── fail.js
│   └── pass.js
└── test-results.xml

Installed packages

Community Packages (88) /Users/jordanklassen/.atom/packages
├── Stylus@3.1.0
├── adwaita-pro-ui@2.1.4
├── api-workbench@0.8.39
├── atom-beautify@0.29.13
├── atom-mac-terminal@1.0.4
├── atom-ternjs@0.15.0
├── auto-detect-indentation@1.3.0
├── autocomplete-flow@1.6.0
├── autocomplete-modules@1.6.7
├── base16-syntax@1.7.0
├── block-comment@0.4.3
├── cursor-history@0.7.0
├── custom-invisibles@0.1.2
├── docblockr@0.8.7
├── dota-tips@0.5.0
├── editorconfig@2.0.1
├── emmet@2.4.3
├── es-identifier-highlight@0.2.11
├── expose@0.12.1
├── file-icons@1.7.23
├── fold-comments@0.6.0
├── fold-functions@0.4.4
├── fold-search-results@1.0.5
├── git-wip@0.3.0
├── github-notifications@0.1.2
├── graphviz-preview@1.7.0
├── gtk-dark-theme@0.1.4
├── hard-wrap@1.1.0
├── highlight-selected@0.11.2
├── html2jade-plus@1.0.0
├── imdone-atom@2.0.10
├── imdone-atom-github@0.1.11
├── language-cmake@0.2.0
├── language-diff@0.6.0
├── language-dot@1.6.0
├── language-dots@0.0.4
├── language-haxe@0.5.3
├── language-jade@0.7.2
├── language-json5@1.1.0
├── language-lua@0.9.11
├── language-mscgen@1.3.0
├── language-qml@1.0.0
├── language-rust@0.4.8
├── language-tacoscript@0.1.0
├── language-typescript-grammars-only@1.5.0
├── linter@1.11.18
├── linter-eslint@8.0.0
├── linter-flake8@2.0.2
├── linter-flow@5.5.0
├── linter-jshint@3.0.1
├── linter-nplint@0.3.25
├── linter-scss-lint@3.0.4
├── linter-shellcheck@1.4.1
├── linter-stylint@2.2.5
├── linter-xo@0.18.0
├── markdown-table-formatter@2.8.3
├── merge-conflicts@1.4.4
├── minimap@4.25.6
├── minimap-autohide@0.10.1
├── minimap-git-diff@4.3.1
├── minimap-highlight-selected@4.4.0
├── minimap-selection@4.4.0
├── mscgen-preview@1.6.0
├── multi-wrap-guide@0.25.2
├── multirow-tabs@0.3.3
├── native-ui@0.19.1
├── omnisharp-atom@0.30.7
├── open-git-modified-files@0.2.4
├── pane-by-type@1.0.1
├── project-find-navigation@0.2.0
├── project-manager@3.3.3
├── project-view@0.6.1
├── promote-folder-to-project@2.0.1
├── raml@0.2.0
├── remember-file-positions@0.2.2
├── remember-folds@0.2.1
├── require-opener@2.0.3
├── run-in-terminal@0.6.0
├── sort-lines@0.14.0
├── string-case@0.1.0
├── svg-preview@0.10.0
├── symbols-tree-view@0.13.2
├── tablr@1.5.5
├── term3@0.22.1
├── theme-switcher@1.1.0
├── tomorrow-ya@1.0.2
├── tree-view@0.211.0
└── tree-view-breadcrumb@0.8.1
florianb commented 7 years ago

@forivall thanks a lot for reporting this! I will create a patch which disables the indent_size if no positive integer is given.

florianb commented 7 years ago

@forivall i recently published a patch for this. I would appreciate if you could check if this solves your issue! Thanks! 🎁

forivall commented 7 years ago

@florianb Confirmed! :tada: