sindresorhus / atom-editorconfig

Helps developers maintain consistent coding styles between different editors
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Notify user about malformed editorconfig-files #141

Closed florianb closed 4 years ago

florianb commented 7 years ago

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Users should get notified about malformed .editorconfig-files.

To make this "feature" appropriate to the current implementation of notifications i suggest "notifying" by raising the atom-editorconfig-state to warning (which shows the yellow 🐭 in the status-bar) and adding a describing paragraph in the "Show State" result.

This could be done in an extra file and function since the validating purposes exceed in my opinion the intention of the index-file.

I therefore propose the implementation of a lib/validate.js containing a function with the following interface:

validate(config = {}) { // The config contains the computed editorconfig-properties
  return {
    statusCode: 2, // 0: inactive, 1: working as expected, 2: warning, 3: error
    max_line_length: [
      'error-messages as markdown'
      // Several different issues may belong to a single property

This function should at least cover

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