sindresorhus / atom-editorconfig

Helps developers maintain consistent coding styles between different editors
MIT License
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soft wrap gets re-enabled automatically. #142

Closed kentcdodds closed 7 years ago

kentcdodds commented 7 years ago

Involved .editorconfig-files


Directory structure


Installed packages

Built-in Atom Packages (89)
├── atom-dark-syntax@0.27.0
├── atom-dark-ui@0.52.0
├── atom-light-syntax@0.28.0
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├── one-light-ui@1.6.0
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├── language-c@0.52.1
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├── language-csharp@0.12.1
├── language-css@0.37.1
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Community Packages (23) /Users/kdodds/.atom/packages
├── atom-ternjs@0.15.0
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├── autocomplete-json@5.1.0
├── autocomplete-modules@1.6.7
├── custom-invisibles@0.1.2
├── docblockr@0.8.7
├── editorconfig@2.0.4
├── expand-region@0.2.5
├── file-icons@1.7.24
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├── local-history@3.4.1
├── open-this@0.3.0
├── relative-numbers@0.5.1
├── terminal-plus@0.14.5
└── vim-mode-plus@0.65.0

└── (empty)

Here's a gif of the behavior:


You'll notice that once I install the plugin, the file gets softwrapped every time I change tabs to it. I forgot to uncheck the "Soft Wrap" option in the gif, but doing that doesn't make a difference, the behavior is the same.

This is really annoying. I think this must have happened fairly recently. I don't know the codebase, but this might be related?


florianb commented 7 years ago

@kentcdodds thanks for reporting this! The editoroconfig should not change the wrap-configuration if there is no max_line_length applied. Could you please add the output of the EditorConfig: Show State-command?

kentcdodds commented 7 years ago


screen shot 2016-11-07 at 11 59 54 pm
kentcdodds commented 7 years ago

It appears that there is a max-line-length applied, but I wouldn't expect that to soft wrap if Soft Wrap is not checked.

florianb commented 7 years ago

@kentcdodds -- this is the normal behavior. Since a raising number of users complain about this implementation i am probably going to change the behavior.

Even though i don't understand why people set a max_line_length if they don't want it being applied.

You're welcome to join the discussion for enhancement in #143. ☕️