sindresorhus / atom-editorconfig

Helps developers maintain consistent coding styles between different editors
MIT License
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Unpublish banner image #152

Closed Alhadis closed 7 years ago

Alhadis commented 7 years ago

Minor fix to improve the package's filesize (shaving off ~1.6 MBs). Basically, this image is now being loaded from a specific commit, instead of the master branch:


Ideally, we'd be using .npmignore to exclude the image from publication, but Atom's package manager has no support for this feature... so whatever the branch holds at the time of release is what gets tarballed.

gorriecoe commented 7 years ago

You could use .gitattributes to ignore files during publication.

* text=auto
*.js text eol=lf
/.gitignore export-ignore
/.gitattributes export-ignore
/.editorconfig export-ignore
/fievel-mousekewitz48.gif export-ignore
Alhadis commented 7 years ago

@gorriecoe That only works for git archive. NPM and APM work differently.

gorriecoe commented 7 years ago

@Alhadis This works. I have used the same approach in

Alhadis commented 7 years ago

Well, I'll be fucked... it does too. Quite happy to have been proven wrong.

Makes me wonder why the hell we even need .npmignore files, then...