sindresorhus / atom-editorconfig

Helps developers maintain consistent coding styles between different editors
MIT License
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Increase the strength of the selector #165

Closed gorriecoe closed 7 years ago

gorriecoe commented 7 years ago

Increase the strength of the selector so custom themes display the mouse instead of the 'A'. Alternatively you could use .aec-icon-mouse { ... but I assume you want broad selector for additional icons.

florianb commented 7 years ago

@gorriecoe Thank you very much for your contribution! 💝

gorriecoe commented 7 years ago

Thanks @florianb! When is this likely to be released?

florianb commented 7 years ago

You are welcome @gorriecoe - i planned to do the next release on Atom 1.13 since there's also one change to the wrap-guide pending. But it seems it will take longer than i expected.

I will try to make a release as soon as possible. I am sorry for the inconveniences.