sindresorhus / atom-fixmyjs

[DEPRECATED] Automagically fix JSHint lint warnings
MIT License
86 stars 5 forks source link

Failed to activate the fixmyjs package #9

Closed felipebhz closed 9 years ago

felipebhz commented 9 years ago

[Enter steps to reproduce below:]

  1. ...
  2. ...

Atom Version: 0.188.0 System: Mac OS X 10.10.2 Thrown From: fixmyjs package, v1.3.0

Stack Trace

Failed to activate the fixmyjs package

At Cannot find module 'fixmyjs'

Error: Cannot find module 'fixmyjs'
  at Module._resolveFilename (module.js:351:15)
  at Function.Module._resolveFilename (/Applications/
  at Function.Module._load (module.js:293:25)
  at Module.require (module.js:380:17)
  at require (module.js:399:17)
  at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/felipebhz/.atom/packages/fixmyjs/index.js:2:15)
  at Module._compile (module.js:475:26)
  at Object.loadFile [as .js] (/Applications/
  at Module.load (module.js:370:32)
  at Function.Module._load (module.js:325:12)
  at Module.require (module.js:380:17)
  at require (module.js:399:17)
  at Package.module.exports.Package.requireMainModule (/Applications/
  at Package.module.exports.Package.activateConfig (/Applications/
  at Package.module.exports.Package.activateNow (/Applications/
  at /Applications/
  at Emitter.module.exports.Emitter.emit (/Applications/
  at CommandRegistry.module.exports.CommandRegistry.handleCommandEvent (/Applications/
  at /Applications/
  at CommandPaletteView.module.exports.CommandPaletteView.confirmed (/Applications/
  at CommandPaletteView.module.exports.SelectListView.confirmSelection (/Applications/
  at space-pen-div.atom.commands.add.core:confirm (/Applications/
  at CommandRegistry.module.exports.CommandRegistry.handleCommandEvent (/Applications/
  at /Applications/
  at KeymapManager.module.exports.KeymapManager.dispatchCommandEvent (/Applications/
  at KeymapManager.module.exports.KeymapManager.handleKeyboardEvent (/Applications/
  at HTMLDocument.module.exports.WindowEventHandler.onKeydown (/Applications/


  5x -0:30.5 core:backspace (
     -0:02.7 command-palette:toggle (
     -0:00.8 core:confirm (
     -0:00.6 FixMyJS (


  "core": {}

Installed Packages

# User
autocomplete-plus, v2.7.1
editor-stats, v0.17.0
fixmyjs, v1.3.0
linter, v0.12.0
linter-jshint, v0.1.0

# Dev
No dev packages
sindresorhus commented 9 years ago

Duplicate of

jdheeter commented 8 years ago

What's the solution?

evildevil666666 commented 8 years ago

As mentioned by @sindresorhus in #7, npm install in ~/.atom/packages/fixmyjs works

rakibulalam commented 7 years ago

go to : cd ~/.atom/packages/fixmyjs and run it by manualy : npm install