sindresorhus / awesome

😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics
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List maintainers → Ensure your list is still awesome #926

Closed sindresorhus closed 5 years ago

sindresorhus commented 7 years ago

Ensure your list follows the latest guidelines

There has been many changes and improvements to the guidelines in the past year. Please take some time looking over the guidelines and improve your list accordingly.

If you no longer have time to maintain your list, let me know and I can help you find more maintainers.

For example, your list:

And today I added a new guideline:

Awesome lists should have the following GitHub topics set:

I encourage you to add more relevant topics.

If you're a user reading this, consider helping list maintainers out by submitting a pull request with improvements.

sindresorhus commented 7 years ago

And sign up for the Awesome Weekly newsletter if you want to keep up on new Awesome lists being added, highlights from Awesome lists, and other awesome stuff on the web.

sindresorhus commented 7 years ago

@dypsilon @vsouza @JStumpp @weblancaster @busterc @jondot @benoitjadinon @aleksandar-todorovic @Friz-zy @iCHAIT @herrbischoff @aharris88 @yenchenlin @deephacks @mailtoharshit @donnemartin @Awesome-Windows @ipfs @vinkla @ianstormtaylor @thibmaek @JesseTG @sorrycc @wbinnssmith @feross @bolshchikov @loverajoel @Kikobeats @parro-it @maxogden @avajs @dustinspecker @stoeffel @matteocrippa @hsavit1 @uraimo @vinta @timofurrer @kud1ing @krispo @passy @avelino @lauris @markets @planetruby @razum2um @hantuzun @h4cc @isRuslan @drobakowski

sindresorhus commented 7 years ago

@svaksha @LewisJEllis @fffaraz @qinwf @zhaopuming @CodyReichert @hachiojipm @kdabir @yissachar @akullpp @eleventigers @KotlinBy @rizo @seancoyne @rabbiabram @quozd @thangchung @ziadoz @jakoch @Fr0sT-Brutal @brainblowjob @ahkscript @J2TeaM @veelenga @dzharii @sfischer13 @onqtam @addyosmani @davidsonfellipe @lvwzhen @sotayamashita @davidtheclark @AllThingsSmitty @enaqx @expede @mateusortiz @Granze @AngularClass @sadcitizen @diegocard @willianjusten @raphamorim @dnbard @petk @NoahBuscher @nmec @wasabeef @cjwirth @Urigo @sturobson

sindresorhus commented 7 years ago

@afonsopacifer @deanhume @brunopulis @sachin1092 @wbkd @jonathandion @notthetup @pazguille @aframevr @cyclejs-community @dok @fliptheweb @vuejs @behzad888 @zingchart @candelibas @ChromeDevTools @jjaderg @nikgraf @TalAter @YerkoPalma @brillout @webpack-contrib @ungoldman @Famolus @websemantics @LucasBassetti @rosarior @humiaozuzu @veggiemonk @iJackUA @uralbash @PerfectCarl @friendsofcake @sitepoint @Symfonisti @chiraggude @fukuball @ekremkaraca @hothero @sergeyklay @phanan @fcambus @stve @ramitsurana @unicodeveloper @JustServerless @PhantomYdn @vert-x3 @prakhar1989

sindresorhus commented 7 years ago

@okulbilisim @josephmisiti @ujjwalkarn @edobashira @dav009 @arbox @theimpossibleastronaut @sobolevn @jbhuang0604 @ChristosChristofidis @jtoy @terryum @kjw0612 @open-source-society @lucasviola @mre @harpribot @onurakpolat @caesar0301 @youngwookim @igorbarinov @manuzhang @papers-we-love @JanVanRyswyck @tayllan @enjalot @owainlewis @marcobiedermann @lnishan @rossant @vhf @ligurio @dariubs @RomanTsegelskyi @hackerkid @sger @dreikanter @mhinz @emacs-tw @mehcode @viatsko @ellisonleao @hzoo @Calinou @leereilly @RyanNielson @hkirat @love2d-community @felipebueno @avivace

sindresorhus commented 7 years ago

Locked the thread to prevent people here from spamming everyone.

sindresorhus commented 7 years ago

@webpro @alebcay @fisherman @unixorn @phillipadsmith @stefanbuck @tiimgreen @arslanbilal @git-tips @stevemao @moul @httpsGithubParty @bnb @janikvonrotz @derimagia @RichardLitt @guipdutra @vredniy @numetriclabz @shlomi-noach @dahlia @mark-rushakoff @Neueda4j @TomasVotruba @ramnes @d3viant0ne @mohataher @dhamaniasad @shime @brabadu @chrissimpkins @neutraltone @davisonio @ciconia @hubtee @ebu @therebelrobot @karlhorky @matteofigus @hangtwenty @watson @HollyAdele @micromata @paragonie @sbilly @apsdehal @rshipp @ashishb @carpedm20

sindresorhus commented 7 years ago

@paralax @meirwah @jaredmichaelsmith @leekelleher @refinerycms-contrib @springload @drmonkeyninja @nirgn975 @Kiloreux @HQarroum @monostable @beaconinside @gitfrage @opencompany @mmccaff @domenicosolazzo @matiassingers @filipelinhares @lukasz-madon @jyguyomarch @wfhio @MaximAbramchuck @sdnds-tw @vhpoet @briatte @burningtree @tmcw @jdorfman @AchoArnold @n1trux @kyleterry @marmelab @christian-bromann @SrinivasanTarget @ciandcd @mmcgrana @ripienaar @cyberglot @diessica @melvin0008 @cjbarber @NARKOZ @kilimchoi @Kickball @jwaterfaucett @alferov @ibaaj @eug @chentsulin @luqmaan

sindresorhus commented 7 years ago

@emptymalei @fasouto @mfornos @jagracey @Codepoints @MunGell @gmontalvoriv @drewrwilson @dylanrees @hobbyquaker @diasdavid @cristianoliveira @vorpaljs @vinjn @egeerardyn @antontarasenko @sublimino @danielecook @Siddharth11 @scholtzm @dastergon @KimberlyMunoz @xen0l @brunocvcunha @tobiasbueschel @exAspArk @kdeldycke @heynickc @willempienaar @hbokh @nicolesaidy @aliesbelik @terkelg @aviaryan @TheJambo @johnjago @podo @BubuAnabelas