sindresorhus / editorconfig-sublime

Sublime Text plugin for EditorConfig - Helps developers maintain consistent coding styles between different editors
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[Fixed] Disable print in Sublime Text console #63

Closed Kristinita closed 7 years ago

Kristinita commented 7 years ago

1. Behavior before pull request

Ctrl+P → I select a file in command palette → I saw in Sublime Text console, for example,

command: open_file {"file": "D:\\Киролайна\\Саша Величайшая.txt"}

D:\Киролайна\Саша Величайшая.txt
{'charset': 'utf-8',
 'end_of_line': 'lf',
 'indent_size': '4',
 'indent_style': 'tab',
 'insert_final_newline': 'true',
 'tab_width': '4',
 'trim_trailing_whitespace': 'true'}

2. Behavior after pull request

command: open_file {"file": "D:\\Киролайна\\Саша Величайшая.txt"}

EditorConfig configuration don't print in Sublime Text console.

I tested EditorConfig → other EditorConfig features works for me after pull request.

3. Argumentation

  1. I never need to see EditorConfig configuration messages in my console. In particular, I do not need to look at my configuration each time as I open my files.
  2. I constantly debug packages in the Sublime Text console, EditorConfig print prevents me from navigating in the console.

4. Alternative

I think, you may don't accept this pull request. In that case, please:

  1. Enable printing configuration in console in debug mode, but not by default.


  1. Add an option in package settings. For example, if "print_configuration_in_console"false → user don't get EditorConfig configuration messages in console.


sindresorhus commented 7 years ago

What is debug mode?

Kristinita commented 7 years ago

@sindresorhus , why issue is closed? The problem don't fix.

What is debug mode?

debug mode — mode, when EditorConfig messages print in Sublime Text console, if user have problem with EditorConfig.


sindresorhus commented 7 years ago

why issue is closed?

Because you didn't respond and your changes doesn't actually fix the problem.

debug mode — mode, when EditorConfig messages print in Sublime Text console, if user have problem with EditorConfig.

We can't really know when the users is having problems with EditorConfig.

I'm happy to consider a good pull request that solves the problem, but this is not.

Kristinita commented 7 years ago

I'm happy to consider a good pull request that solves the problem, but this is not. and your changes doesn't actually fix the problem.

Why doesn't fix? Arguments? Personally I use EditorConfig Sublime with this patch, and I don't see unexpected EditorConfig #62 messages in Sublime Text console.
