sindresorhus / editorconfig-sublime

Sublime Text plugin for EditorConfig - Helps developers maintain consistent coding styles between different editors
MIT License
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Enable Toggling ON/OFF EditorConfig Functionality #83

Open tajmone opened 4 years ago

tajmone commented 4 years ago

Please, add a menu/option to disable/enable enforcing EditorConfig functionality (i.e. enforcing .editorconfig settings) without loosing syntax highlighting.

There are times when it might be useful to bypass the .editorconfig settings of a third party project (especially because EditorConfig doesn't support end_of_line = native — see editorconfig/editorconfig#226).

Yet, it would be nice to keep at least syntax highlighting of .editorconfig files, when disabling EditorConfig functionality, because most likely one is disabling itdue third party settings in the project which are somehow conflicting with the local setup (e.g. a third party project being worked on in a new repository with different .gitattributes settings) and will be editing the .editorconfig file to tweak those settings.

This package provides both EditorConfig functionality and syntax higlighting, so it should make sense to be able to toggle on/off the former without loosing the latter, treating them as two independent parts of the package.

xuhdev commented 4 years ago

because most likely one is disabling itdue third party settings in the project which are somehow conflicting with the local setup

What does this mean? If a project puts an .editorconfig file in its source tree, very likely it meant to enforce the settings in that file so that anyone's editing of the source code's style is consistent with the rest of the code.

tajmone commented 4 years ago

What does this mean?

It means that if I'm taking over a third party project and want to adapt it to my own liking I might need to temporarily disable the EditorConfig functionality until I've tweaked it to my needs — so I'd still benefit from syntax highlighting the .editorconfig file in this stage.