sindresorhus / editorconfig-sublime

Sublime Text plugin for EditorConfig - Helps developers maintain consistent coding styles between different editors
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Any interest to support non-official encodings like windows-1252? #85

Closed ams-tschoening closed 5 years ago

ams-tschoening commented 5 years ago

I still have some files encoded using windows-1252, which I can't easily convert to UTF-8, because that is Perl with inline strings in the code sensible to encoding changes and stuff like that. Most of those files are heavily documented using German language with German umlauts etc., some are documented using English language using plain ASCII mostly and some use both.

And here's the problem: While windows-1252 isn't officially supported by EditorConfig, I put it into the file anyway because some plugins simply forward encoding stuff to the editor/IDE and let those handle that. Even if not, the file itself is the documentation what to use to do the right thing. Your plugin seems to simply ignore unsupported encodings and let Sublime Text decide, which is in general a good thing in my opinion: If a file is already encoded in windows-1252, Sublime Text detects that and keeps that encoding. The problem is if not, because Sublime Text than falls back to UTF-8 and if one then adds documentation using German umlauts, things get stored using UTF-8. Someone expecting all Perl files to be windows-1252 then sees garbage.

The easiest solution would simply be supporting windows-1252, as that is a pretty common encoding anyway and looking at your implementation should be somewhat easy. EditorConfig-guys are discussing this topic for years already, without any result.

So what's your opinion?

sindresorhus commented 5 years ago

I'm sorry to disappoint, but don't have any interest in supporting this. I would recommend either disabling the EditorConfig plugin when opening these legacy projects or take the time to convert the files to UTF-8.

ams-tschoening commented 5 years ago

Have I've been clear about that it's only about adding one line of text in your CHARSETS-hash? It's not about any additional magic. So I need to wait until the EditorConfig-guys officially add additional encodings?