sindresorhus / element-ready

Detect when an element is ready in the DOM
MIT License
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Automatically stop on dom ready #8

Closed fregante closed 5 years ago

fregante commented 7 years ago

Issuehunt badges

  const waiting = elementReady(selector);

  // Don't check ad-infinitum
  domLoaded.then(() => requestAnimationFrame(() => waiting.cancel()));

  // If cancelled, return null like a regular querySelector() would
  return waiting.catch(() => null);

Note to self: This should really be an option in element-ready. @sindresorhus on

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sindresorhus commented 6 years ago

Agreed. I think it should be enabled by default. The main use-case of this module is getting an element before the dom is ready.

// If cancelled, return null like a regular querySelector() would

I think it should just return the cancel error, like when it's .cancel()'ed, for consistency. Alternatively, make .cancel() also return null, but not sure about that. Could also not reject and just document that users needs to check for null when the promise resolves.

fregante commented 6 years ago

Yeah, that RGH code expected an error so () => null is in the catch, but it could just resolve(null) instead of cancelling.

  const promise = new PCancelable((onCancel, resolve) => {
      let raf;
      onCancel(() => {

+     domLoaded.then(() => {
+         cancelAnimationFrame(raf);
+         resolve(null);
+     });

      // Interval to keep checking for it to come into the DOM
      (function check() {
          const el =;

          if (el) {
          } else {
              raf = requestAnimationFrame(check);
sindresorhus commented 6 years ago

@bfred-it But then I think .cancel() should also resolve with null, so consumers only have one place to handle "no result". What do you think?

fregante commented 6 years ago

If domLoaded resolves to null I have no opinion on how .cancel() should behave 👍

liady commented 6 years ago

I think this should be optional, since sometimes the use case is to use it when an element is inserted dynamically to the DOM (after documentReady was fired)

sindresorhus commented 6 years ago

@liady Yes, there will be an option to not stop on dom-ready.

billhannah commented 6 years ago

There should also be an option to stop listening after a period of time. I was looking at this for use in a UI testing library and it won't be good if test is broken and never finishes because the element never appears.

IssueHuntBot commented 5 years ago

@issuehunt has funded $40.00 to this issue.

fregante commented 5 years ago

I was looking at this recently and I'm still stuck on how it can be solved.

until: Promise | false option that defaults to domLoaded? So it can also be set to:

elementReady('body', {
    until: false

elementReady('body', {
    until: delay(1000)

elementReady('body', {
    until: Promise.race([
sindresorhus commented 5 years ago

I would split it into two options.

How about this?

Not sure whether Infinity is a good default.

fregante commented 5 years ago

Having a separate timeout sounds reasonable, but all that is bit verbose and less flexible than a "cancel on promise"

I can implement cancelOnDomLoaded if you want

sindresorhus commented 5 years ago


sindresorhus commented 5 years ago

I moved the timeout option to

IssueHuntBot commented 5 years ago

@sindresorhus has rewarded $36.00 to @bfred-it. See it on IssueHunt