sindresorhus / global-directory

Get the directory of globally installed packages and binaries
MIT License
75 stars 10 forks source link, '/usr/local/lib') is failing from test.js #25

Open ramnathnayak-ibm opened 1 month ago

ramnathnayak-ibm commented 1 month ago

When I run the tests for this I am getting this error. I am running this package inside a container. Am I facing this error because of that?

  reload package and get npm.prefix with env


   40:   const {default: globalDirectory} = await importFresh('./index.js');
   41:, '/usr/local/lib');
   42: });

  Difference (- actual, + expected):

  - '/root/.nvm/versions/node/v20.18.0'
  + '/usr/local/lib'

  › file://test.js:41:4


  1 test failed

If its because of that, Can I possibly skip this particular test?