sindresorhus / grunt-shell

Run shell commands
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Print command to terminal for verification #127

Open BirdTho opened 2 years ago

BirdTho commented 2 years ago

In the command, when I run it in Grunt, I see the command output, but I don't see the command input: So I want to see the command as it will be run in the terminal, as if I typed it myself.

I want to make sure that the command and its templates are being substituted correctly. Somehow I figured stdin: true might do it, but actually that defaults to true. When the grunt step runs for that command all I see is the result. What I want to see is the { command: 'your-command-here' } being printed out in its entirety, post-template-substitution.

I have command strings like this:

aws lambda update-function-code --function-name <%= config.userLambdaName %>-<%= %> --zip-file fileb://<%= config.userLambdaBuildDir %>/zip/<%= config.userLambdaZipName %>

and I would like to see, for instance

aws lambda update-function-code --function-name abc123-dev --zip-file fileb://build/abc123/zip/

printed out on the console when running grunt deploy-user-lambda-dev