sindresorhus / gulp-autoprefixer

Prefix CSS
MIT License
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transform property not getting prefixed #64

Closed thykka closed 8 years ago

thykka commented 8 years ago

So i've been using the same gulp setup for many months, but today as I was updating an old project, I noticed it doesn't look right on Android (4.2). Turned out the compiled css was missing -webkit prefix for the transform property (which previously did receive the prefix as it should).

According to caniuse, this prefix is needed for all pre-5 Androids.

Here's my gulpfile and a simple test case, which demostrates the issue:

There is no issue when using the same settings with the online autoprefixer though, which leads me to believe this problem is specific to either my config or gulp-autoprefixer itself.

Any ideas?

SamVerschueren commented 8 years ago

From the Readme

Issues with the output should be reported on the Autoprefixer issue tracker.

gulp-autoprefixer just calls autoprefixer. So if something is wrong, it should be reported to that repository.

thykka commented 8 years ago

Turns out my problem was caused by giving the browser versions as multiple arguments

.pipe(autoprefixer('last 2 versions', 'android 4'))

...instead of a single array

.pipe(autoprefixer(['last 2 versions', 'android 4']))