sindresorhus / gulp-autoprefixer

Prefix CSS
MIT License
692 stars 50 forks source link

Last two versions can not add -webkit prefixes #79

Closed billyjov closed 7 years ago

billyjov commented 7 years ago

As long as you use this config the -webkit prefixes can not be added.

.pipe(autoprefixer({ browsers: ['last 2 versions'], cascade: false })

Only -ms prefixes will be added.

sindresorhus commented 7 years ago

It only adds prefixes when needed. I guess the last 2 versions doesn't need those prefixes.

billyjov commented 7 years ago

@sindresorhus is there a way to add these prefixes too ? How can I set my config ?

sindresorhus commented 7 years ago

You change the browsers config to the browsers you want to support. It's all documented in the readme.