sindresorhus / gulp-filter

Filter files in a `vinyl` stream
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Adding a filter.restore options to end the stream when not used as a through stream #12

Closed nfroidure closed 10 years ago

nfroidure commented 10 years ago


Thanks for this plugin.

I ran into an issue will using it with StreamQueue for changing the files order in my builds.

Here is my task:

// Bower
gulp.task('build_bower', function() {
  var jsFilter = g.filter('**/*.js');
  var jqFilter = g.filter(['!**/dist/jquery.js']);
  var ngFilter = g.filter(['!**/angular.js', '!**/angular-mocks.js']);
  var ngStrictFilter = g.filter(['**/ui-utils.js']);
  var cssFilter = g.filter('**/*.css');
  return new StreamQueue({objectMode: true},
    jqFilter.restore(), // Never ended
    ngFilter.restore(), //never ended
      paths: {
        bowerDirectory: src.vendors
      includeDev: true || !prod // We currently depend on faker, so let it be always true for now..
        ';\n(function(window, angular, undefined) {\n',
        '\n})(window, window.angular);\n'
    ).pipe(g.cond(prod, g.streamify(g.concat.bind(null, 'libs.js'))))
    .pipe(getPathesOfStream(scripts, src.html))
    .pipe(g.cond(prod, g.minifyCss))
    .pipe(g.cond(prod, g.concat.bind(null, 'vendors.css')))
    .pipe(getPathesOfStream(styles, src.html))
    .pipe(g.cond(prod, gulp.dest.bind(null, build.vendors)));

The task never completes since the restore stream are never ended. So my idea is to provide a "end" parameter allowing to end the restore stream when you do not use it as a PassTrough but as a simple Readable.

Something like:

jsFilter.restore({end: true})

What about it ? I can PR you if you agree on its API.

sindresorhus commented 10 years ago

Not a big fan to be honest. There has to be a better way than forcing all PassThrough streams to support this.

@mariocasciaro thoughts?

mariocasciaro commented 10 years ago

restore is not meant to be a simple Readable, at least based on the current design. It looks to me you are using restore as a NOT filter. In your example you can put a '!' at the beginning of your filter patterns and include directly the filter stream instead of the restore and you should get the same functionality, right?

nfroidure commented 10 years ago

@mariocasciaro i use streamqueue in order to be sure that files à reinjected in the pipeline will be in a determined order.

Beware that i do not want to preserve file order, but create an arbitrary order for my build concerns.

mariocasciaro commented 10 years ago

If you do something like this it should work:

  (new StreamQueue({objectMode: true},

Why you are not piping the filter before you pipe your StreamQueue? Is there any particular reason you are not doing this?

nfroidure commented 10 years ago

Ordering. I'm just filtering files, but i want to be able to use the filtered files in a special way that needs the restore streams to end by themself instead of ending with an external intervention.

My real world example is a bit complex. Let's make a simpler one:

var jsFilter = filter('**/*.js');
// Filtering them & doing something

// Doing something totally different with the filtered files
jsFilter.restore().pipe(...).pipe(gulp.dest('dest')); // this wil never end

IMO, filter.restore() beeing a readable stream is the best design since it is a file source, strictly. It is a PassThrough for convenience, i understand why, but it becomes annoying when you just want to use it for what it is, a file source.

So, regardless of the API, i think you should at least implement an option to do this. I can if you don't have time for that.

mariocasciaro commented 10 years ago

Yes, I think you have a point here. And using an option probably is also the best solution because it resembles the same option available for the pipe method. I would go for it @sindresorhus . You got a PR ready @nfroidure ?

nfroidure commented 10 years ago

Nope, but if you wish, i could do it.

sindresorhus commented 10 years ago

Alright. I get it now, with the simple example. Makes sense. Just wish it could adapt and be both Readable and PassThrough without an option.

PR welcome :) Would also be nice to have a new example in the readme showing this usecase.