sindresorhus / ow

Function argument validation for humans
MIT License
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Improve performance and document performance tips #193

Open mnmkng opened 3 years ago

mnmkng commented 3 years ago

Are there some low hanging fruits to improve performance? ow seems to be about 15 times slower in validation than pure JS. I understand that some slowness is obviously expected, but 15 times slower makes me think this could be a bug rather than a design limitation.

plain js took 19.86ms on average.
ow took 294.62ms on average.

I'm using ow@0.20.0

Repro code:

const ow = require('ow').default;

const objs = Array(1000).fill({
    foo: 'bar',
    one: 1,
    obj: {},

function validateWithJs(objects) {
    function validate(obj, schema) {
        Object.entries(schema).forEach(([prop, validator]) => {
            return validator(prop);
    const schema = {
        foo: (prop) => typeof prop === 'string',
        one: (prop) => typeof prop === 'number',
        obj: (prop) => prop && typeof prop === 'object',
    objects.forEach(obj => {
        validate(obj, schema)

function validateWithOw(objects) {
    const predicate = ow.object.exactShape({
        foo: ow.string,
        one: ow.number,
        obj: ow.object,
    objects.forEach(obj => {
        ow(obj, predicate)

function benchmark(name, fn) {
    const millis = [];
    const start =;
    for (let i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
        millis.push( - start);
    const total = millis.reduce((sum, num) => sum + num);
    const avg = total / millis.length;
    console.log(`${name} took ${avg}ms on average.`);

benchmark('plain js', () => validateWithJs(objs))
benchmark('ow', () => validateWithOw(objs))

It is a problem for us because we use ow to validate user provided objects (constructor options) and the number of those objects can be hundreds of thousands in one batch. ow is by far the slowest part of that process.

I'd gladly submit a PR if you can point me in some general direction.


mnmkng commented 3 years ago

Hmmm, immediately after submitting this I got an idea that the label inference might be the culprit and it surely is:

plain js took 18.78ms on average.
ow took 32.62ms on average.
function validateWithOw(objects) {
    const predicate = ow.object.exactShape({
        foo: ow.string,
        one: ow.number,
        obj: ow.object,
    objects.forEach(obj => {
        ow(obj, 'x', predicate) // <==== added some label
mnmkng commented 3 years ago

Another potential improvement lies in the execution of ow.object.partialShape() and exactShape() functions. It seems from testing that no matter how many properties there are in the validated object, those functions still iterate over all the properties in the provided shape.

Example of our validation:

const predicate = ow.object.exactShape({
            url: ow.string.url,
            id: ow.optional.string,
            loadedUrl: ow.optional.string.url,
            uniqueKey: ow.optional.string,
            method: ow.optional.string,
            payload: ow.optional.any(ow.string, ow.buffer),
            noRetry: ow.optional.boolean,
            retryCount: ow.optional.number,
            errorMessages: ow.optional.array.ofType(ow.string),
            headers: ow.optional.object,
            userData: ow.optional.object,
            handledAt: ow.optional.any(,,
            keepUrlFragment: ow.optional.boolean,
            useExtendedUniqueKey: ow.optional.boolean,
ow(options, 'RequestOptions', predicate);

By refactoring to the custom validation loop below, we got a 3-4 times speed increase.

const requestOptionalPredicates = {
    id: ow.optional.string,
    loadedUrl: ow.optional.string.url,
    uniqueKey: ow.optional.string,
    method: ow.optional.string,
    payload: ow.optional.any(ow.string, ow.buffer),
    noRetry: ow.optional.boolean,
    retryCount: ow.optional.number,
    errorMessages: ow.optional.array.ofType(ow.string),
    headers: ow.optional.object,
    userData: ow.optional.object,
    handledAt: ow.optional.any(,,
    keepUrlFragment: ow.optional.boolean,
    useExtendedUniqueKey: ow.optional.boolean,

ow(options, 'RequestOptions', ow.object);
ow(options.url, 'RequestOptions.url', ow.string.url);
Object.keys(options).forEach((prop) => {
        const predicate = requestOptionalPredicates[prop];
        const value = options[prop];
        if (predicate) {
            ow(value, `RequestOptions.${prop}`, predicate);
            // 'url' is checked above because it's not optional
        } else if (prop !== 'url') {
            const msg = `Did not expect property \`${prop}\` to exist, got \`${value}\` in object \`RequestOptions\``;
            throw new Error(msg);

Would it be possible for partialShape() and exactShape() to only validate existing properties instead of all shape properties? I assume the reasoning behind validating all is to capture getters and setters. Could we have an option to configure this?

sindresorhus commented 3 years ago

Hmmm, immediately after submitting this I got an idea that the label inference might be the culprit and it surely is:

Yeah, it's slow because it needs to read the file from disk and parse it. Label inference is only called when something fails though, which should not be that often for normal function parameter validations calls, which is what Ow was originally intended for. I guess we could add a Performance section that outlines the trade-offs.

sindresorhus commented 3 years ago

Would it be possible for partialShape() and exactShape() to only validate existing properties instead of all shape properties? I assume the reasoning behind validating all is to capture getters and setters. Could we have an option to configure this?

I think this is just an oversight that could be fixed. I don't see how it matter if they're getters/setter.

SamVerschueren commented 3 years ago

The reason it loops over all the properties of the shape instead of all the properties of the input object is because it expects all properties of the shape to be present in the input object. If you turn it around, you can't detect that property unicorn does not exist in the input object for instance.

mnmkng commented 3 years ago

Yeah, it's slow because it needs to read the file from disk and parse it. Label inference is only called when something fails though, which should not be that often for normal function parameter validations calls, which is what Ow was originally intended for. I guess we could add a Performance section that outlines the trade-offs.

@sindresorhus In the provided example, nothing fails, yet the speed of validation improves 10-fold without inference. Maybe a bug somewhere and the inference is always called?

And yes, we use ow for function parameter validation calls. The call looks like this:

await requestQueue.addRequest({ url: ' });

Only url is mandatory. All other props are optional.

The reason it loops over all the properties of the shape instead of all the properties of the input object is because it expects all properties of the shape to be present in the input object. If you turn it around, you can't detect that property unicorn does not exist in the input object for instance.

@SamVerschueren Yes, that's right. But for optional properties there's no need to check for non-existence. I apologize, I thought I mentioned this in the comment, but apparently I did not.

I understand this may be an edge case in your opinion, but I think it's quite typical for functions to accept options-objects or "named parameters", where one or two are mandatory and the rest is optional.

mnmkng commented 3 years ago

Hi @sindresorhus @SamVerschueren just wanted to bring to your attention that the validations above are about 15 times slower in ow@0.22.0 than in previous versions.

I might be able to work on this, at some point this quarter so if it's not critical for you, let me handle this in February or so. We'll keep using 0.21.0 for the time being.

sindresorhus commented 3 years ago

// @vladfrangu FYI

sindresorhus commented 3 years ago

@mnmkng That would be really great. 🙏

vladfrangu commented 3 years ago

That's... odd, that shouldn't be the case, unless generating the error message causes this slowdown (which would probably make sense if your schema is very complex and there's a LOT of errors)...

Any benchmarks or performance reports you could share? 🙏 Reproduction samples that I could benchmark? 😓

mnmkng commented 3 years ago

@vladfrangu See the thread above for examples.

In real life, it's this test: On 0.22 it runs in 450+ms for me locally, whereas with 0.21 it runs in ~30ms.

vladfrangu commented 3 years ago

Will try to shoot an eye later this week, could you also link me the schemas you have, please? 🙏 I haven't noticed such a big speed downgrade locally... but my gut says its the message generation thats causing the biggest slowdown

mnmkng commented 3 years ago

Sure, the predicates are here:

And the validation code is here:

We're using the workarounds that I explained in the above comments to speed up the validation.

vladfrangu commented 3 years ago

@mnmkng so.. I'm in a bit of a predicament right now, as this issue completely amazes me.

Since you mentioned there's a possible performance regression in 0.22.0 (ala the "report all errors in the message" version), I reset my local master branch of ow to upstream, cloned apify, nuked all tests, except the one you mentioned, and ran it. And ran it again, and again... you get the gist. I've tinkered with ow's code, and have shaved off some ms and duplicated iterations, I've tried insane things like moving from maps to objects (and back)...

So, then I decided to time it DIRECTLY in code (console.time/timeEnd, subtraction, etc). ow takes... literally between 0 and 7 ms per class constructed to validate that options is an object and options.url is a string. First run was ~7ms, subsequent were very VERY fast (like, between 0 and 2ms)... So then I don't understand why Jest is reporting it's taking almost a full second to create 1k classes and push them to one array... In fact, if I add up all the results from it. I get around 566 (still a lot mind you)

Modification in `src/request.js` ```js const start =; ow(options, 'RequestOptions', ow.object); ow(options.url, 'RequestOptions.url', ow.string.url); // 'ow' validation is slow, because it checks all predicates // even if the validated object has only 1 property. // This custom validation loop iterates only over existing // properties and speeds up the validation cca 3-fold. // See Object.keys(options).forEach((prop) => { const predicate = requestOptionalPredicates[prop]; const value = options[prop]; if (predicate) { ow(value, `RequestOptions.${prop}`, predicate); // 'url' is checked above because it's not optional } else if (prop !== 'url') { const msg = `Did not expect property \`${prop}\` to exist, got \`${value}\` in object \`RequestOptions\``; throw new ArgumentError({ message: msg, context: this.constructor }); } }); console.log(`Ow finish: ${ - start}`); ```

So then I decided to implement the same similar "benchmark" code as provided in the main issue

"new" benchmark ```js test('should have acceptable request creation time', () => { const requests = []; const millis = []; const start =; for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { requests.push(new Apify.Request({ url: `${i}` })); millis.push( - start); } const total = millis.reduce((sum, number) => sum + number); const durationMillis = total / millis.length; console.log(durationMillis); console.log(durationMillis); console.log(durationMillis); // Under normal load, the Requests are created in ~25-30ms // In tests the load is high, so we only check if it doesn't // overshoot some crazy range like 500ms. expect(durationMillis).toBeLessThan(500); }); ```

This yielded some more consistent results, aaand... honestly, I'm lost. After removing the console.logs which caused slowdown... Results are...

Version Jest Report Duration Avg (from code above)
0.21.0 69ms 23.653
0.22.0 521ms 266.364
0.23.0* 523ms 271.534
  • 0.23.0 is the local version I have with changes to reduce duplicate iterations

At this point, I don't even know if it IS a regression or just Jest and benchmarking not being meant for each other... I've tried creating the classes themselves within the benchmark script you provided above, changing the 50 iterations to 1k, making v8 warmup by running the benchmark function 100k times before actually benchmarking it and...

Version Bench Report
0.21.0 4.75ms
0.22.0 65.645ms
0.23.0* 65.245ms

If you have any other ideas of what I should try, or.. want to experiment privately, you can contact me on Discord (if you use that, Vladdy#0002) or here! But as it stands... I'm lost..

mnmkng commented 3 years ago

@vladfrangu Thanks for all the work you clearly dedicated to this, but I'm not sure how Jest is relevant. Your tables clearly show that there's a ten-fold or larger slowdown between 0.21.0 and 0.22.0 (or 23).

Yes, the Jest numbers are higher, because Jest instruments code and does whatever magic, but the issue is exactly the same without Jest, as your own numbers prove. I.e. from 23ms to 271ms in one test, or from 5ms to 65ms in the other. That's a pretty big slowdown.

Please correct me if I'm missing something here.

vladfrangu commented 3 years ago

Found the culprit. Turns out, generating the stack trace when it's not needed is QUITE AN EXPENSIVE OPERATION!! (aka I dropped from 52.73ms to 3.239ms by just making the function return null) Expect a PR soon!