sindresorhus / pure

Pretty, minimal and fast ZSH prompt
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brew specific installation instructions #605

Closed moquette closed 3 years ago

moquette commented 3 years ago

General information

I've successfully installed it using the manual method. But where can I find specific installation instructions when using brew?

System report (output of prompt_pure_system_report):

Other information

I have:


Problem description

Unable to configure when installing with home brew.

Reproduction steps

  1. brew install pure
  2. How do I configure using .zsh now?

My .zshrc:

The above example works fine with manual git clone method. But the fails to work with brew method.


mafredri commented 3 years ago

The error output from the npm install has two suggestions, one is manual and the other is to update your .zshrc with the fpath, the latter should work for everybody and allows updates via npm.

That said, are you installing on an M1 Mac? If so see #584. I also just created #606 which may fix the issue (if you are on M1).

mafredri commented 3 years ago

I just re-read this and realized I missed the part about using brew (my head replaced brew with npm 😅). We don't actually maintain the brew install method, and as such can't really provide support for it. However, I imagine it should be available as a prompt after the brew install.

I.e. the full instruction would be:

brew install pure
autoload -Uz promptinit; prompt pure

The command prompt -l should show it listed. These are probably instructions that could/should be added to the Homebrew post-install for the pure formula.