Closed jamesdh closed 2 months ago
I can't reproduce this behavior with iTerm2 shell integration and Pure (without OMZ).
Could you try swapping the order there at the end?
source $ZSH/
autoload -U promptinit; promptinit
prompt pure
@mafredri that actually appears to have fixed it for me. What made you think to suggest that?
EDIT: nevermind...I see your and Pure (without OMZ).
comment above!
General information
When using pure w/ iterm2, the iterm2 zsh plugin, and the plugins ability to enable the iterm2 shell integration, the shortcut for clearing the terminal (Cmd-K) is broken, and instead exhibits inconsistent but broken behavior. Sometimes it fixes the cursor to the bottom of the terminal. Sometimes it simply does nothing. Sometimes it will correctly clear the screen. Pressing Ctrl-L restores it to the top of the terminal.
System report (output of
typeset -g PROMPT=$'%F{${prompt_pure_colors[path]}}%~%f %{ %}%(12V.%F{$prompt_pure_colors[virtualenv]}%12v%f .)%(?.%F{$prompt_pure_colors[prompt:success]}.%F{$prompt_pure_colors[prompt:error]})${prompt_pure_state[prompt]}%f %{]133;B%}'
typeset -g -A prompt_pure_colors=( [execution_time]=yellow [git:action]=yellow [git:arrow]=cyan [git:branch]=242 [git:branch:cached]=red [git:dirty]=218 [git:stash]=cyan [host]=242 [path]=blue [prompt:continuation]=242 [prompt:error]=red [prompt:success]=magenta [suspended_jobs]=red [user]=242 [user:root]=default [virtualenv]=242 )
export TERM=xterm-256color
Other information
I have:
Problem description
iTerm2 native shortcut to clear the terminal buffer is broken by combination of pure theme, iterm2 zsh plugin, and enabling shell integration via said plugin.
Reproduction steps
zstyle :omz:plugins:iterm2 shell-integration yes