sindresorhus / ts-extras

Essential utilities for TypeScript projects
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Question: Type guards duplicated with the `is` #23

Open younho9 opened 2 years ago

younho9 commented 2 years ago

is provides type guards when using with TypeScript.

There are some duplicated functions like isFinite, isInteger, isSafeInteger. (Currently is does not seem to provide a type signature for the above functions.)

I wonder if is and ts-extras have different plans for type guards.

sindresorhus commented 2 years ago

The packages have different goals. There is a small overlap, yes, but only for a few functions.

sindresorhus commented 2 years ago

Currently is does not seem to provide a type signature for the above functions

Can you open an issue on is about that? I would be happy to see those methods have better type-guards.

tychenjiajun commented 2 years ago

I think type guards in this repo should be work better for Array.prototype.filter and Array.prototype.every?