sindrets / diffview.nvim

Single tabpage interface for easily cycling through diffs for all modified files for any git rev.
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Do we support Bitbucket? #406

Closed AtaraxiaZ closed 11 months ago

AtaraxiaZ commented 11 months ago

I try to DiffViewOpen a Bitbucket project, but it showed that it's not a supported VCS adapter. So do we support Bitbucket?

sindrets commented 11 months ago

BitBucket is not a type of VCS. Their platform let's you host certain types of VCS projects. I don't know exactly what types of VCS it supports other than Git, as I don't use the platform myself. Currently the plugin supports both Git and Mercurial.

But have you checked that your VCS meets the minimum version requirements of the plugin? If it doesn't you might get misleading errors like this. Try running

:checkhealth diffview