sindrets / diffview.nvim

Single tabpage interface for easily cycling through diffs for all modified files for any git rev.
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Open new tab with diffview with same revision #432

Open Eryx5502 opened 8 months ago

Eryx5502 commented 8 months ago


This is a question / feature request. I tried to find some answers both reading :h diffview-actions and searching the issues but didn't find an answer. It might be I'm missing something of the purpose of Diffview, but I just started using it for PR revisions and I find myself wanting to jump from a file to another without leaving Diffview. Is it possible to add a keybinding from the file panel to open the file under the cursor on a new Diffview tab with the same revision as the current one?

sindrets commented 8 months ago

Why do you need to open a file in a new diffview, in a new tab? In what way is it insufficient to open the file in the current diffview tab?

Eryx5502 commented 8 months ago

I'm working on a project where big PR are not rare, and so I often have a big tree on the diffview file panel. When reviewing a file A which calls several things defined on another file B, I usually switch from A to B to check what the PR introduces on each of this files as a way to understand what is going on.

For this, and since the file tree is a big one, switching from the diffview from one file to the other one takes some effort. On the other hand, if I could easily open a new diffview tab with the other file opened in the same revision the only thing I would need to do is switch tabs.

sindrets commented 8 months ago

Thank you. That's important context. I understand the problem now. We can certainly add an action for this. Or perhaps just extend the existing open_in_diffview to do this when invoked from non-history diffviews.

Eryx5502 commented 8 months ago

Thank you. That's important context.

Yes, sorry I didn't add that to the original message!

Another way of solving this "big PR" that just came to my mind could be to implement some file finder inside the review file pane, but I'm not sure how hard that might be. An maybe it should be a separate feature request anyway.