sindrets / diffview.nvim

Single tabpage interface for easily cycling through diffs for all modified files for any git rev.
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[Question]: view commits changing a file and include other file changes as well #486

Closed Kobu closed 1 month ago

Kobu commented 2 months ago


often I find myself browsing the history of a file with DiffviewFileHistory %. However my issue with this is that I cannot view other files that were changed in the viewed commit: image

What i would like to see is exaclty what DiffviewFileHistory provides when running it without any params


Is there a way to view the history of one file, while also seeing other files in the tree view that were changed within the commit?

Thanks in advance

sindrets commented 1 month ago

Use :h diffview-actions-open_in_diffview to open the full commit under the cursor in a new view. That will show you all the files changed in that commit. This is mapped to <C-M-d> by default.