singer-io / tap-mailchimp tap for extracting Mailchimp data
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reports_email_activity stream does not support multivariate campaigns #15

Open markberger opened 5 years ago

markberger commented 5 years ago

When fetching email activity for a multivariate campaign, activity for the parent campaign will always be empty. Instead, you need to fetch the email activity for each individual child campaign found in variate_settings on the campaign object:

NAjustin commented 5 years ago

Just to be clear, this would be the effect for RSS emails and the "classic" A/B tests as well, as noted in the subreports documentation (newer A/B is really just a common case of the Multivariate type):

This has definitely been a deal-breaker for our use case.

(sent_to has a similar issue, which also manifests in the form of not being able to pull full history for engagement with Automation Workflows.)

kristen-all commented 5 years ago

Same for automations as well.