The above call returns a response with the encoding set to ISO-8859-1, even if the response contains UTF-8 characters.
This causes Python's requests.models.iter_content(decode_unicode=True) to use the incorrect decoder. (Since the response says the encoding is IOS-8859-1, python just ignores the decode_unicode parameter).
My proposed fix would be to set the encoding to 'utf-8' in the response before we request python to iter_content. This change would be in right after we make the call "resp = client.stream_export(stream_type, export_id)."
def stream_rows(client, stream_type, export_id):
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w+", encoding="utf8", delete=False) as csv_file:
singer.log_info("Download starting.")
resp = client.stream_export(stream_type, export_id)
# Force response encoding to 'utf-8' since Marketo doesn't set this properly
resp.encoding = 'utf-8'
for chunk in resp.iter_content(chunk_size=CHUNK_SIZE_BYTES, decode_unicode=True):
if chunk:
# Replace CR
chunk = chunk.replace('\r', '')
Steps to reproduce
Expected Results
Actual Results
Proposed Solution